Problem statement

1) I've built a scene in Godot with a bunch of SpineSprites in it.
2) I expected that to be ok.
3) The more sprites I add to the scene the more Godot will take up my computer memory until it eventually crashes.

Note: It only seems to draw memory each tick if the Spine Sprite nodes actually have their skeleton_data_res property filled.

Give step-by-step instructions so we can reproduce the problem, if possible.
Here's a video showing it happen.

  1. Make a fresh scene with a Node2D at the root.
  2. Add a Spine Sprite node to the scene and set the skeleton_data_res field.
  3. Duplicate the Spine Sprite node until there are 15 copies.
  4. Notice that the memory usage in TaskManager (Processes tab) is steadily increasing while the editor window is open (minimizing the window seems to pause memory leak progress) and the filled scene is the active one (swapping to a blank scene with the editor open will also pause memory leaking).

Multiplying the number of instances in scene seems to increase the rate at which the memory usage accrues.

Editor information

Tell us your Spine Editor version.

Post your entire spine.log file here (or attach it), if you got any error messages.

N/A - Couldn't find any log or anything with any substance.

I found the issue. In editor builds, we get the default font from the theme in a not so great way, involving the allocation of a Control. That Control was deallocated with memfree instead of memdelete. Fixed it in the 4.2 branch and pushed. New binaries should be available soon from GitHub:

And subsequently available on our spine-godot page.

Thanks for alerting us to this issue! @CptFacepalm

    That's awesome news Mario! Thanks for the fast response and solution!

    6 天 后

    Hello Mario,

    I'm not really a 'compile from source' wizard (much to my own disappointment) and I've tried the pre-built editor for 4.2.2 from here but the problem still persists.

    Is there any chance you know when the pre-built build will be updated and availabe for download?


    I'm currently trying to get the builds on GitHub running again, so the version you downloaded is still the old unfixed version. For some reason, the Clang linker crashes on GitHub when compiling Godot for macOS. I'll update this thread once I've fixed this issue.

    Finally managed to fix the GitHub build. You can fetch the latest binaries from the spine-godot docs page.