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    yang You can merge skins by exporting the skeleton once in JSON format and then importing it into another skeleton via Import Data.
    Precisely, it is possible to export and import in binary format, but it is safer to export in JSON format with the Nonessential data checked, because JSON format is human readable and easy to edit in case manual editing becomes necessary.

    • yang 回复了此帖

      Misaki 非常感谢 , 这样操作确实可以 ,但是皮肤占位符下面的附件会消失,这个问题有好的方法解决嘛?

        yang Hmmm, by missing, do you mean that the image is displayed as Missing like this?:

        If so, the problem is that the image path is incorrect, so please correct the image path specified in the Images node.
        Or do you mean that the attachments themselves are not imported correctly?

        • yang 回复了此帖

          Misaki 附件本身没有正确导入 导入完成后,新加的皮肤下面,皮肤占位符没有附件

            yang Hmmm, I'm afraid I can't tell you the cause of that problem without seeing the actual Spine project, as that should not happen under conditions where the same skin placeholder exists. Could you please send us via email minimal Spine project filesthat can reproduce the problem?: contact@esotericsoftware.com
            Please include the URL of this forum thread in the email so we know the context. Then we can take a look at what's wrong.

            • yang 回复了此帖

              Misaki 已经发送 非常感谢

              yang Thank you for sending the Spine project files! There seems to be a problem in 3.8 where linked meshes are not imported properly. Strangely, if I unlink the meshes before exporting and then importing the skeleton data, the attachments remain, but all the vertices are aggregated to the X:0/Y:0 position and the original mesh shape is not reproduced. The aggregation of vertex positions to X:0/Y:0 often happens when there is a problem with the skin bones, but as far as I have tried, this problem cannot be solved by removing all skin bones, so I think there must be some kind of bug.
              However, this problem did not occur when I tried it with 4.2, so it seems that this problem was fixed at some point before the latest version. Unfortunately, 3.8 is a version that is no longer updated, so we are unable to fix this problem for you. You may want to consider upgrading to a newer version of the editor, or abandoning the workflow of adding skins in separate projects.

              • yang 回复了此帖