Not to be confused with Spine 4.2 now that versions semantically match. Here's the release blog post:
Runtimes support for Godot 4.2
Nice! I just added 4.2-stable to the build matrix. I'm pretty sure this won't compile. I'll look into fixing up any issues regarding API changes asap.
It looks like there are some issues with the link to the 4.2 build on the godot setup page:
RetroSpecter Yea, the automatic build failed as Mario expected, although perhaps it would be a good idea not to publish new links in case the build fails to compile.
It's a Friday night, so this probably won't get addressed until Monday.
It's been 7 day since the release, and we are knee deep into getting physics support into all our runtimes. Please be patient!
jakecard no worries! I actually just finished upgrading our code base and testing. Fingers crossed this build will go through:
Once it has, you can download the latest binaries from
Well, that didn't work. New try. This one is it
Huh, there shouldn't be a 4.2 binary for you to download O_o
Working on silly Android issue atm.
Just dropping by to confirm that this is in progress... and to cheer you on!
It looks like the only thing not working yet is the Android template. Is the editor itself available for download somewhere, or do I need to just put on my Patience Hat and wait for it all to be released together? (I'm not developing for Android.)
Thanks for all that you folks do to make my game animations better!
Should be good now! You can download our Godot 4.2 build here:
Please report any issues you find.