Very nice Though in the run cycle, I believe both the sword and the belt overuse the effect - also there is something weird going on with his left hand

- 2017年12月28日
- 注册于 2013年12月30日
Can you make a video, where you show how you made it? Or maybe even link to the project files? (I won't steal - PROMISE)
What I especially is interested in knowing, is how you made that white area around the lower armLooking forward to more work from you!
I love how they look, and are stunned by how odd they are xD THe.. Honey? Cheese? in the last one bothers me a little and could be fine tuned, but the rest looks awesome
- aiat_gamer :
Well, I guess A works best together with C..
Yes, rotation inheritance - but no, I do not think it is keyable, so you would then need to key the feet in the other animations, OR have two interchangeable sets of feet depending on the animation. What I usually do is either A) use IK-constraints on the legs, and then simply move the torso, or B) use onion skin to watch where the feet were previously, and then manually match them up
Did something like that in my recent video, though it did not call for it to be as precise as is usually the case: (the leg part is about 34 minutes in) Setting the feet to not follow the parent bones' angles also often helps a lot (in either case, A or B) ^^
This is awesome
Reminds me somewhat of Medievil and, yeah, of course the Adams family. Still, very uniquely executed with its very own personality
- 已编辑
Hi guys!
Although Spine is made for making animations in games, and though this is also what I usually use it for, I just yesterday finished a video ad for FOSIA, where I used Spine to animated the characters
I was only hired to do the visuals, so currently the only audio on the video is the dialogue, but I will update the post when the sound guy has done his magic, and the video is fully done
Also, the video is in Danish, so sorry for that to almost all of you ^^
Luckily the characters had no mouths, which made it easier to animate the talking. Still, it was hard to make it match up without an audio track in Spine, and the results weren't perfect, as you see
I am pretty happy with the end product though ^^
SimonDet er bare helt i orden - og håber du er blevet rask igen. Og det gik ganske godt det hele
Det er ment til at skulle ske igen næste år, og det ville da være fedt at have jer indover på den ene eller anden måde
Jeg vil i hvert fald skrive og høre ad til den tid (og nok i lidt bedre tid end jeg gjorde denne gang). Og til den tid skal jeg nok også skrive i jeres support i stedet
Du skal i hvert fald have tak for, at du tog dig tid til at svare.
SimonHej Shiu/Søren
Jeg skriver til dig på veje af Coding Pirates, som er en forening med fokus på børn, unge og IT - du kan læse om os her
Den 26. og 27. september 2015 afholder vi både i København og, for første gang, i Aarhus en Game Jam for børn og unger i alderen 7-17 år. København jam'en afholdes i samarbejde Microsoft, og Aarhus jam'en med bl.a. Game IT College i Grenå, hvor jam'en også kommer til at foregå.
Vi i Aarhus-afdelingen vil spørge dig og Esoteric Software, om i kunne tænke jer at hjælpe til og være sponsorer. Det behøver ikke at være monetært, men kan også være i form af..
- ..en Spine Pro nøgle som kan bruges af alle børnene under hele jam'en.
- ..Spine Pro eller Essential nøgler som præmie til for eksempel "bedste animationer".
- du personligt kommer ud til jam'en, og lærer de af børnene, som har lyst, at animere.
..og der er sikkert mange andre måder, jeg ikke lige kan komme på. Alt hvad der nu kan gøre weekenden federe for børnene og de unge er velkomment!
Vi regner med omkring 100 børn og unge til jam'en, og ca. 30 frivillige.
Håber at høre fra dig snart.
Med venlig hilsen
Well, as seen in the linked thread in the first post, I am from Denmark - more specifically living in Aarhus
I simply use Spine for my own small projects, both games and, well, what you see in the other thread
I am interested - I think it could be great fun
- Shiu :
I'll check in with Nate again
Sorry for the lack of update on this.
It's okay - it is not like your trello are empty or anything
You seem to have a lot on your plates, so it is understandable minor things like this are not top priority
- 于 Kraken
Waw - very calming to look at
Great job ^^
Any updates on this?
Hope it is okay I bumped the topicAre you thinking about the LayersToPNG script? Photoshop CC has this build in!
On any layer or layer group you wish to export as a stand-alone image, you simply add the suffix ".png" or ".jpg"(so a group could be named, for example, "MyPlayerHead.png") Then you go to "File -> Generate -> Image Assets" and tick that. Now, when you save your Photoshop file a folder will be created with your assets (saved layers and layer groups). The folder will be named "Your-Photoshop-file-name"+"-assets"
A super nice function
Would be cool to do
I am indeed Danish - haha, just cannot get rid of that accent xD Not that it is a huge problem
- 已编辑
Hello guys!
I have been using Spine mainly for making game graphics, but I have used it to make a couple of fake easter eggs in games as well - I know, I know, I am a saint for doing so :devil:
Anyway, my latest video of this kind is where I added Adolf Hitler to the game Valiant Hearts, since he was a soldier during The Great War. Here is the two animations I manufactured (some of it is drawn by myself, but most of it is copied from the game):
Loading Image
Loading Image
I know the animations is not stunning, but they fit the game style. It works well, since the figures in these Ubisoft games (Rayman, Child of Light & Valiant Hearts) use the UbiArt Framework which is pretty similar to Spine. You can watch me finding this "easter egg" here:
Anyway, just wanted to show you that this is also possible with Spine
Have a nice day