
I'm having issues with checking for events in Godot.

At the moment, in my "Attack" animation, there's an event keyed with a string "Attack" I am trying to call a function every time this gets called:

@onready var Sprite = get_node("SpineSprite")
if Sprite.get_data().get_event_name() == "Attack" and distance_to_target <= attack_range:
if target.is_in_group("enemy") or target.is_in_group("breakable"):
player_velocity = velocity
target.hit(damageplayer, player_velocity)

At the moment this is just breaking the game with this error showing up:
Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_data' in base 'SpineSprite (spine_sprite.gd)'.

I'd really appreciate any help!

Related Discussions

Spinebot Hi I am getting this error:
Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_data' in base 'SpineSprite (spine_sprite.gd)'.

I am not sure if I get this entirely, since the event is "Attack", would it be?:
Sprite.connect("Attack", self, "_on_animation_event")

Then in this function is track_index = 0 and event "Attack" again since that is the event and track on which I am playing all the animations on?:

func _on_animation_event(0, "Attack"):

When I do this I get this error:

Line 388:Expected parameter name.

I have been struggling with this for quite a while. I have implemented an answer from my previous discussion and tried different variants and nothing seems to work.

Right now I'm at a point where at least the game doesn't break with a critical error, but Godot doesn't seem to be detecting any events at all. This is what I currently have:

@onready var Sprite = get_node("SpineSprite")

func _ready():
	Sprite.get_animation_state().set_animation("Front idle not possessed", true, 0)
	Sprite.connect("animation_event", Callable(self, "_on_animation_event"))

func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
	if lastangle >= -0.392 and lastangle < 0.392:  # Right (0° to 45°)
			is_looping = false
			new_animation = "Side Attack no possessed"
			new_scale_x = 0.4
			attack_timer = false
			$"Can Attack".start()

	if current_entry == null or current_entry != new_animation:
		Sprite.get_animation_state().set_animation(new_animation, is_looping, 0)
		Sprite.scale.x = new_scale_x

func _on_animation_event(track_index, event):
	print("event called")
	#and distance_to_target <= attack_range
	#if event.string_value == "Attack":
	if target.is_in_group("enemy") or target.is_in_group("breakable"):
		player_velocity = velocity
		target.hit(damageplayer, player_velocity)	

The animation is playing so I know for a fact the events should be called, but not even the _on_animation_event function is getting called as the print statement is not getting called either.

Can someone help me please?

    It seems like you are trying to connect and handle animation events in Godot using the spine-godot runtime, but the _on_animation_event function is not being triggered. Here are a few things you can check to troubleshoot the issue:

    1. Ensure Events are Defined in Spine: Make sure that the animation you are playing has events defined in the Spine editor. Without events, the animation_event signal will not be emitted.

    2. Correct Signal Connection: Double-check that the signal connection is correct. You are using Sprite.connect("animation_event", Callable(self, "_on_animation_event")), which should work if Sprite is indeed the SpineSprite node and the signal name is correct.

    3. Check Node Path: Verify that the path "SpineSprite" is correct and that it points to the actual SpineSprite node in your scene.

    4. Signal Emission: Ensure that the SpineSprite node is emitting the animation_event signal. You can add a debug print statement in the signal connection line to confirm that the connection is being made.

    5. Event Handling Logic: Make sure that the logic inside _on_animation_event is not causing any issues. For debugging, you can simplify the function to just print the event details to ensure it is being called.

    Here's a simplified version of your code for debugging:

    @onready var Sprite = get_node("SpineSprite")
    func _ready():
        Sprite.get_animation_state().set_animation("Front idle not possessed", true, 0)
        Sprite.connect("animation_event", Callable(self, "_on_animation_event"))
    func _on_animation_event(track_index, event):
        print("Event called: ", event.data.name)

    If the print statement in _on_animation_event is still not being called, the issue might be with the event setup in Spine or the signal connection. Double-check these areas to ensure everything is set up correctly.

    已合并主题「Checking for event in Godot.」下的 3 条回复。

    AnonymousAd I can understand you wanting to start a new thread since Spinebot only replied to your first reply, but if the issue is not resolved, someone from the Spine team will eventually reply, so I would appreciate it if you could continue the same topic in the same thread.

    As Spinebot suggested, I also think you should try testing with a short, simple code first for debugging. First, check to see if the following code will work:

    @onready var Sprite = $SpineSprite
    func _ready() -> void:
    	var animation_state = Sprite.get_animation_state()
    	animation_state.set_animation("Side Attack no possessed", false, 0)
    func _on_animation_event(sprite: SpineSprite, animation_state: SpineAnimationState, track_entry: SpineTrackEntry, event: SpineEvent):
    	print("Animation event: " + track_entry.get_animation().get_name() + ", " + event.get_data().get_event_name())
    	if (event.get_data().get_event_name() == "Attack"):		