I'm developing our game on Unity 2021.3.45f1 with spine rumtime 4.1.
I struggle to maintance our game keep 60 FPS, many ways have add. There're sometimes huge amount of enemies will show on the screen. So I want to learn Guilty Gear Strive render objes anime with 30FPS, but game run at 60FPS.
I wonder did it will optimize our game and improve the FPS if I change the code about spine update with 30FPS?
I have test a sample collected all the spine objects(20 enemies) at scene, change them to update by manual, just set the 0.5s update once.
But it seems the FPS wans't influence at all?
Does something I missing? Or I remember I have saw a theme they said the spine still render and work with the game FPS.
Best regard,