• Editor
  • After splicing AB animation into C animation, some actions become invalid.

herolulu I am glad the videos were helpful!

As for how to invert the entire animation, this can be accomplished by performing a box selection of keys in the dopesheet view and scaling them. Scaling can be used to reverse the order of the keys by moving the left edge past the right, or the right edge past the left. See the User Guide for instructions on how to make box selections:

Incidentally, if the animation is to be played using the Spine runtime, you can specify reverse playback via the code for playing the animation. See the API reference if you are interested:

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      herolulu Oh, when doing box selection and inverting, be aware of the fact that if you have not held down the Shift key, the keys on the fractional frames will be placed on the integer frames, and the key may disappear if the near integer frames have keys. On the other hand, if you do it with the Shift key pressed, the operation is a little more difficult because the frame you want to place on the integer frame is not properly aligned with the integer frame. A feature that would make it easier to invert the animation might be something we could consider. I will think about how best to add this.

        1 个月 后

        Misaki 你好,我现在遇到个小问题,和上一次遇到的情况不太一样。我已经上传了文件。就是“zuoxiaobi” 第一帧和最后一帧无法保持一致。他是通过“变形”做成动画的,我试着复制第一帧的“zuoxiaobi” 复制到最后一帧,但是没有效果。之前的问题可以通过调节“constraints”里对应的项目解决。这个文件里“constraints”是空的。


          herolulu Hmm, I checked the Spine project, but I can offset the zuoxiaobi bone's timeline and the mesh shapes seen in the viewport seem to match at frame 0 and at the last frame, so I'm not sure what the problem is. If you have sorted out the constraints so that it works, could you please show me the project where the problem occurs?

          By the way, if you send us a Spine project that is too complicated, it tends to be unclear where to look, so it would be helpful if you could send us a project with only the parts that cause problems and remove the rest.

            6 天 后

            herolulu Thanks for submitting the simplified Spine project! It seems that the rotation keys for bone84, bone85 and bone86 do not match in frame 0 and the last frame:

            Did you filter the rotation timeline? When you filter the timeline of a particular transformation in the Dopesheet or Graph view, you may think you have selected all the keys, but you have not. If you can think of any reason for this confusion, please let us know for our reference.

              Misaki 目前我有什么办法能让第一帧和最后一帧保持一致?我尝试复制,粘贴关键帧没有效果,他无法被改变。

                herolulu Hmm, that's weird. As far as I have tested, I have been able to match the rotation values of the first and last keys by copying and pasting the keys:

                So I am not sure what the actual cause of the problem is. However, I noticed that while the offset button is enabled, even if you select the white key in the overview row, you cannot select the keys in all the timelines of the same frame, so I thought that might be the reason why you thought you had selected all the keys, but actually hadn't:

                In the video above, you can see that when the offset button is disabled, selecting the white key in the overview row selects keys in all rows, but when it is enabled, only the key of the top bone is selected. This has always been the case, so it's not a bug, it's design, but I thought it might cause confusion when trying to copy keys.

                Could you please try again to see if you can copy and paste the keys correctly?

                  6 天 后

                  Misaki 我知道问题的原因了。我因为手的第一帧和最后一帧不同步,所以我“选中”手,然后复制粘贴帧。这样并没有选中所有的帧,必须在没有“选中”手的情况下操作才行。


                    herolulu Hmm, I'm not sure I fully understand the content of your question, but is it correct to say that you are asking where you can check the correct scale when importing a skeleton that has been exported once? If the skeleton's texture was scaled when exporting, the scale information is saved in the atlas file.

                    If you set the scale based on this value when importing the skeleton data, you can set the correct size for all the attachments at once without having to manually modify the size of each attachment:

                    The following blog post, which explains how to import skeleton data, also explains this, so you may find it helpful:
                    Blog 导入骨架数据 #疑难解答 - 为何有些部分比正确尺寸小或大?

                      17 天 后

                      herolulu Sorry for the delay in answering! I was on holiday and hadn't checked it yet. However, it seems that your question is different from the one you asked when you first started this thread, so could you please post a new question? I will answer your question in the new thread.