• Editor
  • I cant unpack atlas when have multiple png file

How do you unpack textures with atlas file when have multiple png
It seem like cannot recover spine file from it.
Really need help

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Spine's unpacker looks for the paths found the .atlas file in the same folder as the .atlas file.

    Nate I mean, if I export texture and got multiple png like image above and atlas file, it seem like texture unpacked will not work, any workaround or solution for it to unpacked atlas file have multiple png after export

    Unpacking finds PNG files as I described, whether there are 1 or multiple PNG files. If it's not working, look in the .atlas file to see the paths it will look for. If that doesn't make sense, please post the .atlas file.

      Nate Sure, no problem, thanks for your help.


      This is two file in image

        vuongdi 2 file is same, i think it's clone and use for something else

        The PNG files listed in the atlas are jiarenweituoyi100021_.png, jiarenweituoyi100021_2.png, etc. It should unpack if those files are next to the .atlas file.

        Please post or email (contact@esotericsoftware.com) the PNG files so we can try it.

        5 个月 后