Hello. I have been using your Spine 2D program for almost a year. Until today, I haven't encountered any issues, but since yesterday, I have been unable to access the updated version of the program. It constantly crashes. I couldn't find a solution on the internet. However, I can open it in an older version, 4.0. But since I created most of my animations in version 4.1, I cannot open my animations. I am using a Mac operating system, and I will share the error reports and the email associated with the license when you respond. I need quick assistance! Have a good day.
Spine 2D Crash Issue
korhanmaden Hello, I'm sorry to hear that you've encountered crashes when trying to use Spine. Could you post your spine.log file here, along with letting us know which specific version of Mac OS you're using and the specific Spine version you're trying to open?
You can find your spine.log file by using our directions here:
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Sure ! As of now, my Mac version is 14.3.1, and my Spine version is 4.1.24.
Sorry, that log file didn't have a crash in it. If you run Spine after the crash, the log file is overwritten with a new one. Can you please run, get the crash, then post the log file?
I reopened the application, but when I checked the spine.log file, I noticed that there was no change. So, I'm sharing the error report I directly received with you.
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Can you please describe exactly what actions you take and after which action Spine crashes? E.g. something like this:
- I open the Spine launcher
- I click "Start"
- The Spine launcher window disappears
- The macOS crash dialog is shown
I also need to know if you've recently updated your macOS version, or if you've installed any new software (name and version).
Please also let me know what exact Apple hardware you are using, e.g. a MacBook Pro 16" with M1 Max, a macMini, etc.
Finally, I also need to know if you have added any new external hardware, like a display. If so, please disconnect the hardware and try to run Spine.
Edit: quick update. I've updated to the same macOS version as you (Sonoma 14.3.1). I'm running the same Spine launcher version (4.2.03) and Spine Editor version (4.1.24). I've then tried the external monitor theory:
- Open the Spine launcher and editor on my MacBook Pro 16", M1 Max, 64GB. Works.
- Connect an external monitor (Apple Studio display) and re-open Spine. Works.
- Move the Spine Editor window to the external monitor. Works
- Reopen Spine. The Spine Editor opens on the external monitor. Works.
- Disconnect the external monitor and re-open Spine. Spine opens on the built-in MacBook display. Works.
So I'd say the theory that an external monitor is the culprit in this case can be ruled out.
If I need to explain the error in detail, I run the Spine 2D program, and when I click the start button, the program crashes. Even when I tried with an external monitor, the result didn't change. The hardware I use is a MacBook Pro M1 Max 64gb. Recently, thinking it might be a software issue, I updated with an Apple update. My current macOS version is Sonoma 14.3.1. As I mentioned before, older versions work, and I even downloaded the Spine Trial version and saw that it works. Do you have any different suggestions?
korhanmaden I have the exact same setup as you then. I can not reprosuce the crash.
Could you try an older 4.1 version? It won't be able to load your Spine projects, but it might help us narrow down what could be the cause.
I tried version 4.0 and it opened without any issues. As you might predict, I couldn't open my projects, but when I tried any version above 4.0, I still receive an error report.
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@korhanmaden terribly sorry for the delay, I was out all week!
Have you tried an older 4.1 editor version, e.g. 4.1.10?
Also, and this may sound stupid, have you tried turning your Mac off and on again? Other users have reported a similar issue a few months ago, and that has resolved the issue for them.
My guess currently is that this is a GPU driver bug, at least it's indicated in the logs that it happens in the lower layers of the OpenGL emulation. As such, I'm unsure what we can do on our end to resolve the issue.
Another thing we could try is to delete your settings and preferences files in this folder.
E.g. backup, then delete: /Users/<your-user-name>/Library/Application Support/Spine
Make a backup of the folder, delete it, then start Spine again and try to run 4.1. If that works, please send us your preferences and settings. If it doesn't work then I have to figure out something else.
First of all, thank you for your attention. It's not a problem that you responded late. During this time, I tried many things, and I applied the last method you suggested about 4 days ago. I deleted all the settings and preference files, and Spine worked smoothly. Thank you very much for trying to help.
Any chance you have a backup of your settings that caused the issue? Maybe we could find some clues there.
Unfortunately, I can't share the files with you because I deleted all of them, and sadly, I didn't back them up.
First of all I'm glad that the "hard core" method of deleting your settings worked! It is still frustrating that we are unable to pinpoint the issue. Thank you for spending your time on helping us resolve the issue.
I wish I could have been of assistance, but unfortunately, I couldn't. I apologize for that. Spine is a software that I admire. Hopefully, such issues won't occur again. I also want to express my gratitude for your attention. Have a great day!