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Mute channel
Is it possible to mute an animation channel? e.g. I don't want my apple to move. Can I mute the translate channel?
Thx in advance
Unfortunately, Spine has no such feature. However, we had some similar requests before, but it did not seem to have been added on the roadmap as an issue yet, so I have created an issue ticket for this:
You can subscribe to the issue ticket, then you will receive additional notifications upon any progress.
A workaround for now is to create separate animations for the movements you want to switch apply or not apply, and play them simultaneously using the tracks on the Preview view when you want to combine them. However, when playing animations in Preview view, you cannot specify the start timing of playback, which may not be satisfied if you want to playback completely at the same time.
Thank you
This would be an enormous help - ability to mute any channel (translateX, for example) or the transformation of all channels on a bone.
For creating a walk cycle - I would like to work back and forth between animating on a 'treadmill' (foot contacts sliding backwards in translateX when they might be fixed in place when applied in game) or 'through space' (foot contacts fixed in translateX when they are planted on the ground, just as they would in game). Animating the root in translateX (or a bone between root and the overall rig) would be the key...a constant linear translateX which moves at the rate that will be applied in game. That would be the key if I could toggle that translateX on and off, quickly switching between treadmill and through-space methods of viewing.
A cumbersome workaround: viewing/adjusting animation in Preview mode, all animation except the root on one preview track (0), and the root (linear x-translating) keyed in another animation on a separate track (1), with the 'mix' value set to 0. Selecting/de-selecting that root anim in track 1 will toggle the root anim on and off, effectively toggling those two work modes (treadmill/through-space).
It should certainly be something that can function with a hotkey assignment.
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arbycoors You may want to use root motion at runtime. If you are not familiar with root motion, this page in the Unreal Engine documentation would be helpful:
If you are interested, there have been several threads on root motion in the past, so I suggest reading them. (Currently, past threads may be hard to read because markdowns are not reflected correctly, but this will be improved later.)