• Editor
  • Two screens

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Hello! I've go two monitors. I want that main workspace was on first screen and some inerfaces (like hierarhy, weights, etc.) was on second screen. How can I do this? Thanks.

Due to some limitations of the windowing toolkit Spine uses (similar to video games), Spine doesn't currently support multiple windows, which includes breaking tools out into separate windows. As a limited workaround, you can stretch the Spine window larger so it spans both monitors.

Nate :

Due to some limitations of the windowing toolkit Spine uses (similar to video games), Spine doesn't currently support multiple windows, which includes breaking tools out into separate windows. As a limited workaround, you can stretch the Spine window larger so it spans both monitors.


7 年 后

Any chances the multiple screens support added in later versions?


    Please subscribe to this GitHub issue to receive updates on this feature.

    We are aware that this feature has been highly requested for a long time, but in version 4.3, we are focusing on other exciting features.

    We do plan to support multiple windows in the future, but not in 4.3. Until then, as a limited workaround, you can stretch the Spine window across both monitors.