
  • 2014年12月1日
  • 注册于 2014年10月29日
  • Thanks for your reply Nate.

    Eventually I updated to Os 10.10.1 Yosemite and everything is working fine now! Will try the latest version too and let you know if there's any issue.

    Kind Regards

  • Hi

    I had a Spine trial version installed and was working fine on an iMac running with OsX 10.8.5

    When i tried to install a licensed version, then it never worked again. The following happened:

    1. Downloaded the licensed version.
    2. Executed install Spine.pkg
    3. The software installation was successful.
    4. Went to applications>spine>Spine, i opened it and got the window where to enter the activation code. This looks normal, with a pulsing cursor in the textfield box, however, when i'm attempting to type or paste the code, there's no response at all. Also i tried to install again the trial version and again, i can install it and open it, but there's no possible interaction with the software or response to keyboard and mouse. Is like it opens an flat, static image of Spine, with no possibility of doing anything at all.

    Is there anyone with this same problem?

    Thanks for your help

    *** Installing trial version downloaded on the 22nd of October it does work fine.

  • This same thing happening to me!