Here it is, thanks.

- 2019年7月6日
- 注册于 2019年7月6日
- 已编辑
We're using Photoshop 5.1 and we've made a .psd of a fish split into moveable parts. Then we installed and used this script: to turn the psd into a JSON.
A JSON is generated, as well as an "images" folder containing all the layers as seperate pngs.
Everything LOOKS good.
However, when we try to use "import data" to open the file in Spine, we get this error message: "An error occurred while importing the skeleton. Please be sure to chose a valid skeleton, JSON, or binary file."
Is there any way someone could check the .psd to see if there's something that's making the script not work? I am completely out of ideas right now.