
  • 2020年9月22日
  • 注册于 2020年9月11日
  • Oh, good idea. So I should blend IK to FK while she turns her arm, then back when it returns. Will try it, thanks!

  • I have an operator sitting at a desk and I want to animate her reaching over and picking up her phone.
    Problem is that with an IK arm, it would look really stupid that she raises her upper arm to reach back for it.

    Instead I would like to have her lower arm and hand "scale" in the horizontal direction to pick it up while her uper arm just rotates a bit while still having the IK work.

    How does one do this in Spine? It's a pseudo 3D rotation but it's the only way to animate this.

    Thanks for the help

  • Hey Adam!

    For how long and for how much? 🙂

    Adam_RDG :

    I am Adam and I am a project manager at RedDeerGames.
    Our studio is actively looking for animators who work in Spine software. Contract cooperation, but long-term. Rather, I'm looking for someone experienced. Obviously, a fully commercial (paid) proposition. Is there anyone here willing to cooperate? :detective: :think:

  • Hey!

    Any news? :\ Trying to do some logo animation and character animation but my only workaround are vector based motion blur effects in After Effects.
    Also maybe to be able to render motion vectors would be helpful too!