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  • attachments point... with scale ?

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Hi guys 🙂

I juste updates my spine to 6.48 version, and it's awesome (like christmas before christmas...)

But I have a little issue! Maybe you can explain me why the "attachments point" don't have a "scale" option, I mean, like a normal's bones?

I can understand why in some case, it's useless to have the scale's option for this. But in my case, I need to manage the scale for different square's size.

(with my exemple you can see my issue)

The bleu stick have to be reskin, so this feature will be really cool for me if I can manage the scale for all the different kind of skin 🙂

As written in the user guide: Point Attachments - Spine User Guide

It can be used to spawn particles or do anything else that involves a position and/or rotation. Point attachments have one advantage over bones: a point attachment can go in a skin, so the position and rotation can change for different skins. For example, different guns may shoot from different positions.

Since they just spawn particles they don't need a scale. If you still want to scale them attach them to a bone and scale the bone instead.