• Editor
  • problems with latest photoshop script

I'm using the latest version of Photoshop CC 2017, and the latest PhotoshopToSpine script. Finding a couple of problems:

  • the script fails if I have no layers selected. Says the "Select" command is not currently available.
  • opening the json file in spine and I see that it merged/duplicated some layers incorrectly.
  • the position of the root is in the bottom right sector instead of the usual top right.
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Just to clarify:

Which PhotoshopToSpine did you use? (where did you get it?)
Are you using Photoshop CC 2017 features that affects coordinates like Artboards?
If you can, can describe or show us a screenshot of the layer structure that ended up incorrectly duplicated/merged?

The PhotoshopToSpine version I got from here today: spine-scripts/PhotoshopToSpine.jsx at master · EsotericSoftware/spine-scripts

I'm not using any Artboards in Photoshop.

So I have 3 just layers: ship, left-thruster and right-thruster. The ship layer has some transparent part that is overlapping with left-thruster.

When I run the script and import the data into spine, something interesting happens. The ship is correct, thruster-right is correct, but thruster-left gets a copy of the ship merged into it.

(I've moved thruster-left down so you can see it)

I just cropped the ship to no longer have any transparent areas that overlap anything else, but the thruster-left is still merging in a copy of the ship.

Thanks for sharing the layer setup. We'll see if we can reproduce and fix the bug as soon as we can.

I've confirmed the bug.
For now, you may be able to use the old script since your setup is very simple.
That should work just fine.

If you need to use the latest one because of slots and skin setups, we'll have to fix it first. Please stay tuned.

The position is intended because, as written in the help section of the script, it now uses by default the ruler origin of your photoshop file.

awesome thanks! I'll give it a spin.

I can confirm the select bug is fixed, thank you!

The merge bug is still happening however. I've uploaded a .zip of the photoshop file if you'd like to use it to test.

Thanks, that was helpful. It is fixed now! As a sidenote, Photoshop is ridiculous when it comes to layer visibility and history states.

5 天 后

looks like it's working great now, thanks!

Thanks for letting us know!

5 天 后

sometimes have problems like this:

mfedorov :

sometimes have problems like this

Was it the photoshop script? did it wreck the images?

Running into the same issue with the latest version of Photoshop. Any info on this? I have a pretty large PSD with a few hundred layers, organized by groups and no matter what I do, I cannot get a clean export. Ignore hidden layers or not, many of the images come out incorrect, blank, or in the wrong spot. Anything that we can do here? Any recommendations?

Can you send us a smaller copy of the PSD? Something small enough that you can email or link, or some other way for us to replicate the problem you're having?
You can send it to contact@esotericsoftware.com

Done. Let me know what you see.

FYI, I went back and made sure the every layer was visible before running the script, but I still wind up with the same issues with the same layers.

maybe even a screenshot of the layer structure? maybe you didn't name the groups correctly for the new script.

Interesting question. What do you mean by "didn't name the groups correctly?" Is there a convention for naming the groups/layers correctly?

Here's a screenshot of the groups:
