• Editor
  • [Editor] Existing hotkeys and shortcuts

UPDATED (2013-06-06)

The Cmd key wasn't working on OSX for a while. Now it's working (version 1.4.06)

SPINE MENU ITEMS: (button on the upper left)
New Skeleton (ctrl+N)
Open Project (ctrl+O)
Save (ctrl+S)
Export (ctrl+E)

Show tooltip without delay (F1)

Undo (ctrl+z)
Redo (shift+ctrl+z, ctrl+y)
Deselect (space, escape, double click)

Scale (x)
Rotate (c)
Translate (v)
Pose (b)
Toggle last tool (right click)

Constrain by 15-degree increments (Hold SHIFT while rotating)

Constrain translation or scaling to one axis (drag the green or red handle. You can switch the axis to be relative to Local, Parent, Global values)

Key all changed SRTs, slot images, and slot colors. (K)
Key SR or T for current tool. (L)
Key all SRT for selection. (ctrl+L)

Pan (right click drag)
Zoom (mousewheel, ctrl+right click drag up/down)

Box-select multiple items (drag a box in the viewport starting from an empty area. Does not work if you have a bone or image currently selected.)
Add to selection (ctrl+click or ctrl+box-select)

Set Parent (P) - while a bone, slot or image is selected in Setup Mode.

Play forward/stop (d)
Play backward/stop (a)
Jump to start (q)
Jump to last key (e)

Next key (w)
Previous key (s)

Next frame (r)
Previous frame (f)
Hold (SHIFT) with (r) or (f) to move 10 frames forward or backward.

Enable/Disable Looping in Playback(ctrl+r)

Pan left-right (right click drag. Doesn't matter if it's on a selection.)
Pan up-down (mousewheel over dopesheet)
Zoom (mousewheel over timeline, that thing with the numbers below the dopesheet)

Select a key (click on a key)
Box-select multiple keys (drag a box in the dopesheet, starting from an empty area)

Delete a key (double click on a key)
Move key or selection (click and drag on key or selection box. The mouse pointer will look like a move cursor)

Hold (SHIFT) to prevent snapping (to the nearest integer frame) when moving or selecting keys.
Hold (CTRL) when clicking on or box-selecting keys to add keys to your current selection. (You can have multiple selection boxes!)
Hold (ALT) while moving keys or selection boxes to also move all keys after it.

Time-strech/Scale a selection of keys (Box select a group of keys. Then drag the left or right edge of selection box. The mouse pointer will look like a horizontal-resize cursor.)

TIMELINE (the thing that looks like a ruler at the bottom of the dopesheet, next to the playback buttons)
Pan (right click drag on timeline)
Zoom (mousewheel over timeline)
Reset panned timeline (click on scrollbar)
Scrub timeline (drag left and right)
Smooth Scrub timeline (shift+click drag)

With playback loop/repeat on:
Scrub timeline with repeat (click drag starting before last frame)
Scrub timeline without repeat (click drag starting after last frame. This is sometimes useful for when you need to select the last frame in a loop. Sometimes just clicking on the last frame works. But sometimes it doesn't. But for this purpose, jump to last key (E) also works.)

Viewport: Click on the bone representation (the pointy gray thing with the circle on its pivot point, or a crosshair with the circle in the middle. It will turn white if you hover over it.)
Dopesheet: Click on a transform property (rotate, translate, scale) in the dopesheet under the name of the bone you want. (nice for reselecting bones you recently modified)
Dopesheet: Click on any of that bone's keys. (If you don't drag/move the key.)
Tree: Click on the bone name in the tree (this may involve a lot of expanding and scrolling if your skeleton has a good number of bones)

(For image swapping or hiding in Animate Mode, or setting the default image in Setup Mode)
Dopesheet: Click on the Slot Image item under the name of the parent bone in the dopesheet. (Only appears if you've previously keyed an image for that slot)
Tree: Click on the image slot name in the tree (you'll probably need to select its parent bone somewhere else to easily find it in the tree, then expand that bone in the tree to expose the image slot)

Viewport: Click on the image in the viewport (only works in Setup Mode. )
Tree: Click on the image name in the tree


Non-existing/non-working shortcuts:


Copy-paste bones with slots and images (The duplicate button works)

Show/hide bone representations.
Show/hide bone names
Show/hide images
Show/hide image names

Enable/disable bone selection
Enable/disable image selection

Drag multiple selected images into the skeleton.


I copied this off of the Trello card:

*Key all changed SRTs, slot images, and slot colors. (L)
*Key SR or T for current tool. (k)
*Key all SRT for selection. (ctrl+k)

Switch tool:
*scale (x)
*rotate (c)
*translate (v)
*pose (b)

*Deselect (space, escape)

*Play forward/stop (d, right arrow)
*Play backward/stop (a, left arrow)
*Jump to start (q)
*Jump to last key (e)
*Next key (w, up arrow)
*Previous key (s, down arrow)
*Next frame (r)
*Previous frame (f)

*Toggle repeat (ctrl+r)

*Undo (ctrl+z)
*Redo (shift+ctrl+z, ctrl+y)
*Show tooltip without delay (F1)

Are these all the current keys? Were there any more hotkeys added since then?
Let's just go ahead and stick (P) in that list though:

*Press (P) to Set Parent for an image or slot, guys and girls.

Also, two really useful keys— next and previous frame— aren't functioning for me.
Can anyone try pressing (r) and (f) in Animate Mode to see if it works or not?

The arrow keys also aren't working. But as they might be relegated to translate nudge, I'm of the opinion that it's fine that those aren't doing as listed.

Related Discussions

From Spine's source code:

	// BOZO
	public void nextFrame () {

public void prevFrame () {

Hehe 😃

I want to get around to these smaller tasks soon. I think the ghosting is pretty much done. I'll push the new version now. Please don't find any bugs with it! 😢 It was very hard to get it exactly right, and it has many features that interact, generally making everything complicated. Anyway, I should get to hotkeys and other small tasks relatively soon. However, I'm going on a 3 day trip starting Thursday, then the next weekend (15th) I'm getting married. :love: :wonder: I'll try not to break everything before my little vacation. 😃

Oh wow. Congrats!
Who's the lucky other? Is it Shiu? XD

Thanks! Haha, I wouldn't touch Shiu with your... :x :p

Forgot, the K and L were swapped in the Trello list. Here's an up to date list plus some mouse shortcuts. Probably something in there you haven't found yet! 🙂

Key all changed SRTs, slot images, and slot colors. (K)
Key SR or T for current tool. (L)
Key all SRT for selection. (ctrl+L)

Switch tool:
scale (x)
rotate (c)
translate (v)
pose (b)

Deselect (space, escape, double click)

Play forward/stop (d, right arrow)
Play backward/stop (a, left arrow)
Jump to start (q)
Jump to last key (e)
Next key (w, up arrow)
Previous key (s, down arrow)
Next frame (r)
Previous frame (f)

Toggle repeat (ctrl+r)

Undo (ctrl+z)
Redo (shift+ctrl+z, ctrl+y)
Show tooltip without delay (F1)

New Skeleton (ctrl+N)
Open Project (ctrl+O)
Save (ctrl+S)
Export (ctrl+E)

Set Parent (P)

Toggle last tool (right click)
Pan (right click drag)
Select (left click drag)
Add to selection (ctrl+left click drag, ctrl+click)
Zoom (mousewheel, ctrl+right click drag up/down)
Constrain rotate tool by 15 degree increments (shift+left click drag)

Delete key (double click)
Select keys (left click drag)
Select keys without snapping to integer frames (shift+left click drag)
Scale keys (left click drag edge of selection box)
Add keys to selection (ctrl+left click drag, ctrl+click) (can have multiple selection boxes!)
Move key or selection (left click drag)
Move key or selection without snapping to integer frames (shift+left click drag)
Move key or selection and all keys after it (alt+left click drag)

Pan timeline (right click drag)
Reset panned timeline (left click scrollbar)
Scrub timeline (left click drag)
Scrub timeline without snapping to integer frames (shift+left click drag)
Scrub timeline with repeat (left click drag starting inside last frame w/ repeat enabled)
Scrub timeline without repeat (left click drag starting outside last frame w/ repeat enabled)

I'm so disappointed Nate wont marry me 🙁

I added ctrl+Y for redo. Also implemented R/F next/prev frame. Also, you can hold them down. Hold shift with R/F to jump by 10 frames.

Stickied this post 🙂 thanks a bunch!

4 天 后

lol. thanks for the update.

Trying the shortcuts for a few days now, it feels like F should've been next frame and R should've been previous. What do you think, Shiu?

Just having it at all though is great for image swapping and snappy stuff, and nearby frames in general. No more jumping back and forth from the tree and dopesheet or the viewport and dopesheet.

Actually, I wanted to put this list up as a wiki somewhere. I don't want to maintain this by myself. : p
I couldn't find a good simple service. I considered Gist.Github but Markdown is annoying for lists like this.

Reversing R and F .. hmm it might actually make more sense to do it that way.
Maybe Nate and I can set up a Wiki, will need to look into how much work it is to maintain 🙂

Well, I wouldn't ask you to host it yourselves. That might mean extra bandwidth cost for you guys. has no idea how much traffic you guys actually get

Do you know any good services? Otherwise, I'll just stick this in a Google Doc or something. XD

Official docs would be better than a wiki. I should start on them soon.

11 天 后

I think a wiki has immediate benefits if Nate has his hands full. XD

No prob, Shiu. :p By the way, CTRL+R to redo? Really?

Fixed! (CTRL+Y and CTRL+SHIFT+Z)

Oops brainfart! 😃

17 天 后

Hey we are used to W/E/R for rotate/tran/scale and the X/C/V is messing us up. Is it possible to change the hotkeys?

12 天 后

Not currently, sorry!

3 个月 后
learndistrict :

Hey we are used to W/E/R for rotate/tran/scale and the X/C/V is messing us up. Is it possible to change the hotkeys?

I'm on the same boat here :beer:
I'm used to W/E/R from Maya or mudbox...

I was thinking about a whole topic about hotkeys. I'm so used to After Effects, Flash, Maya and other editing software... Spine keyboard shortcuts completely messed me up 😢 I'm still struggling with it cos it's so much different...

I guess you are not planning to implement an editor for keyboard shortcuts any time soon...

But I have an idea:
If the shortcuts were stored in a separated text file in some readable format, we would be able to modify it ourselves by changing just the key codes (I'm not sure how it works with Java, but for example in AS3 it's quite simple...).

Moreover, users would be able to exchange the shortcuts. For example users used to After Effects could have different from those used for Flash or Maya or Max.

No need for Photoshop-like fancy editor inside Spine.
I'm used to modify shortcuts from Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne 😃

Also, people who used another software are used to following:

  • , / . (from Flash) and for PageUp / PageDown (from After Effects) for frame forward / backward
  • J/K (from AE) to go to nex/previous keyframe
  • cmd + +/- to zoom in/out
  • W/E/R for translate, rotation and scale (from Maya/Mudbox)
    ...and so on.

Also... S/W or R/F shortcuts
I would like to reverse it soooo much, it kills me now 😃 .... I mean that with S I would go forward and with W backwards. It's much more natural to me. It's like when you press right arrow at the end of the row in a text document - you move down to next row. That's kind of an intuition of mine hmmm...

Well, I could name dozens of new shortcuts, I'll probably put it here next week or so.

Anyway, if we were able to modify the shortcuts, it would be such a timesaver...
Shortcuts stored in a separated text file - human-readable... Is there any chance? 🙂
pls pls pls pls pls pls... 😢