• Editor
  • Spine Pro only with latest version of Spine?

I bought my license a few days ago and im trying to run a earlier version of Spine just to get a fully supported version to run with Gamemaker Studio. When i use the latest version of spine, i have PRO and when i start an earlier version i get essential. Why?

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I don't see this happening with your activation code. What older version are you attempting to use?

Any version below 3.0...

Ah, I think I understand. When you choose a specific version, it uses an update file you have previously downloaded back when you had ESS. After running once, if you simply restart Spine then it will download the PRO update file. To prevent it from using any old ESS updates, you can delete all the files out of your Spine updates folder (or just delete the whole folder), here:
Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\updates\
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/updates/
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/updates/