Hello guys,
Here I am with a very geeky request...
It may look strange, but I use spine events to send pretty generic messages to my game. Just like very flexible sound call. Look at the approach: I just globally listen for any events from animation, obtain one and check if it calls "sound", then I just parse json that holds in string value of that event. And here is a little problem for me, because it's very hard to maintain such long things like scripts in editor.
First of all, it's hard to write them and view, because it's easy to go beyond modest width of edit widget. Check out pic:
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So I think that some kind of multiline dialog could help a lot. I know that pretty redundant for most of the audience, but you know someday scripting through events may be the last opportunity for someone and he would be very grateful to have such cheap and helpful thing too
My thoughts on the line, it could be just like some extra button near edit field, and then get user to some simple modal dialog:
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Another problem is searching for events. This is bigger case, because it's really necessary sometimes to know all usages of particular event (you guys work with modern IDEs, you know what I'm talking about :hi: ), and this is mostly a question, because I feel like someone already asked about that...
I'm happy to discuss such things, so waiting for your ideas :clap: