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BinaryCats, I agree not having a proper branch was a mistake. It was a minor update that grew organically. We thought we could reach v3 in a timely manner, then got stuck in a quagmire. Wait until you see the IK solution that works with nonuniform scale!

1 个月 后

What's the current status of v3? I'm planning to start a new project soon but the lack of updates for the past several months make me nervous...

The v3 changlog has grown a bit, most notably is support for multiple font sizes (much easier to use on high DPI displays) and the ability to type characters in various languages: Latin/Cyrillic/Greek, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. The fonts are too large to come as an update, so they need to be included in the launcher. Since v3 requires a launcher update, we decided it should go into v3 rather than force another launcher update shortly after v3. In other news, development on v3 continues every day. All that remains is fixing up minor issues with the tools and other aspects that the scale changes introduced. Most of these are simple, though some are a bit tricky.

v2 projects will still work in v3. To avoid having to do some minor fix ups, avoid using 1) flip, 2) non-uniform scale, and 3) avoid disabling scale or rotation inheritance.

Any ideas on what a release timeline on v3 is looking like with the launcher update / other work?

@Nate, Spine V3 is going to work with the actual Unity Runtime? or is going to need another new runtime?
I want to know this because I bought the Assets Gunman and Hitman from your store.. this assets are compatible with Spine V3 if I want to create new animations..?


Spine-Unity is made up of actual Spine-Unity and Spine-C#.
v3 needs a new Spine-C# but Spine-Unity will stay mostly unchanged.
v3 is mostly changes in how transform information travels through the bone hierarchy, which is defined in Spine-C#. Spine-Unity's core is mostly asset management and rendering and won't noticeably change.

Spine-Unity's utility classes, where it interacts with bones, will likely break though in cases where scale is not (1,1) or was negative or where flipping was used.
Because of this, the extra tools Mitch made may need to be fixed but he did say it would be easier supporting v3 than it was supporting v2.

Can't comment on Gunman and Hitman compatibility 'cause I don't know.
But if you want to make new animations, they'll work fine in all cases where you didn't change the scale to anything except 1,1 and you didn't use single-bone IK (which was broken).
It's really the utility scripts that need updating.

Hi Pharan..
In any case will be an update on Hitman and Gunman asset if that asset need for the Spine-Unity Runtime, right? they will remain outdated?

I remember Mitch said he'd update them.

awesome.. thanks for the info Pharan

Sorry! another question..
There will be some way to keep using Spine v2 with the current Sine-C# & Spine-Unity after the V3 release.
I say that to keep safe projects without much change

I'm not sure what Nate is planning with backwards stuff. Pretty sure there won't be any newer versions of v2.

But currently, the Spine editor retains all previously installed/downloaded versions you can switch to so as long as you don't delete those, you can continue to use them. You can access it in the settings menu (F12)

(This feature was included in case a new version is unexpectedly crashy in your setup. And I guess so you don't get bitten by version changes and don't have to keep updating at an inopportune time.)

So yeah. I'm pretty sure this feature isn't going away and you can continue using an older version of Spine to keep working on your current project.

11 天 后
Pharan :

I remember Mitch said he'd update them.

Yea, those'll definitely get updated, along with a new Equipman asset getting released sooner or later... (Probably coinciding with V3 at this rate).

awesome.. Thanks for the reply Mitch