• Runtimes
  • Random IndexOutOfBoundsException

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In my developing game, sometime it show this error:

" Exception in thread "LWJGL Application" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: index can't be >= size: 1 >= 1
at com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array.get(Array.java:127)
at com.esotericsoftware.spine.AnimationState.apply(AnimationState.java:118)"

I am trying to solve it but not success. It seem occur when game play call many to showEnemyAttackSign() function.

This is main execution code:

private IceEffectActor attackSign;
private AnimationStateAdapter listener;
private boolean attackSignFinish = true;
private int attackSignCnt = 0;

private final synchronized void showEnemyAttackSign() {
      attackSignFinish = false;
   if(attackSign !=null&&!attackSignFinish){
      attackSignFinish = true;
      attackSign.setAnim("ice", false);
      listener = new AnimationStateAdapter() {
          public void event (int trackIndex, Event event) {
              // Inspect and respond to the event here.
            if (event!=null){
               if (event.getString().equalsIgnoreCase("end_ice_fx")) {
                        "Event finish: " + event.getString());
                  listener = null;


                  Gdx.app.error("BattleStage attackSignCnt finish",attackSignCnt+"");
                     attackSignFinish = true;


                     attackSignFinish = false;
} } }; attackSign.animState.addListener(listener); } else{ attackSignCnt++; } }

This is Actor class

public class IceEffectActor extends Actor {

   public Skeleton getSkeleton() {
      return skeleton;

   private Skeleton skeleton;
   private SkeletonRenderer skeletonRenderer;
   public AnimationState animState;

   public IceEffectActor() {

  setPosition(0.0f, 600.0f);

   private void loadAnimation() {
      AnimationStateData stateData = new AnimationStateData(Assets.iceFXData);

  animState = new AnimationState(stateData);
  skeleton = new Skeleton(Assets.iceFXData);
  // skeleton.setToSetupPose();

  skeletonRenderer = new SkeletonRenderer();
public void setAnim(String name, boolean repeat){ animState.setAnimation(0, name, repeat); } @Override public void act(float delta) { skeleton.setX(getX() + getWidth() / 2.0f); skeleton.setY(getY()); skeleton.update(delta); skeleton.updateWorldTransform(); animState.update(delta); animState.apply(skeleton); super.act(delta); } @Override public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) { skeleton.getColor().a = parentAlpha; skeletonRenderer.draw(batch, skeleton); super.draw(batch, parentAlpha); } }

Anyone can help me, or give a hint?

I email support, open issue on Github and post here but get nothing respond from Esotericsoftware :bang: .
@Nate can you help me?

1 个月 后

Sorry that we have not gotten back to you on this issue.

I'll make sure to poke Nate and see if he can take a look at it. I'm unfortunately not a programmer and can't help you.

Shiu :

Sorry that we have not gotten back to you on this issue.

I'll make sure to poke Nate and see if he can take a look at it. I'm unfortunately not a programmer and can't help you.

Seem Nate too busy on other project, I also submit issue on Github months ago https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes/issues/464

Spine v3 has been a huge workload and we hope to release it soon. Focus is on Spine not any other projects 🙂

at com.esotericsoftware.spine.AnimationState.apply(AnimationState.java:118)
AnimationState.java:118 is this line:

listeners.get(iii).event(i, event);

You probably shouldn't tamper with the listener array while it's handling the call. That's my guess.
If that's not it, take a closer look at the linked AnimationState.java line. You can probably understand it better as a libGDX user.

24 天 后