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  • Adding arcs to an action

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I have a quick question for you.....How do I animate arcs on Spine? I mean, I do an animation but I need it to go from point A to point B in an arc and not as a straight line. The graph helps me with timing but I'm not sure how to add an arc between frames.....

Thanks in advance


It's not super easy now since X and Y is keyed together. The way I do it is first I animate only the X axis, then I step through the frames and add some Y movement. This will make the X axis movement linear, however you can move the Y axis keys around a bit to change the speed.

It's not optimal since it makes using the graph hard, but seperating X and Y when keying is something we will be adding in the future.

3 个月 后

I specifically came to the forum Today to check up on a status for separate axis animation, this thread warms me!

If it should be a very simple arc movement you could attach your object to another bone with a offeset. If the object itself should rotate - you just use another bone (wich contains the slot) attached to the rotating bone and uncheck inherit for rotation.
Of course you could also attach even more complex objects to the rotating bone.

(But I'm not sure if this solves your porblem)

I'll attach a screenshot of an example to support my description.

To expand on Friedenkers solution you can disable 'Inherit Scale' on the bone you want to move in an arc. Then scaling the bone it is parented to while rotating it can give you an ellipse without also scaling the sphere in the screenshot.