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  • Spiners unite! Where are YOU living?

I'm from Toronto, Canada. Currently living in Makati, Philippines and using Spine for shiny new things!

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7 天 后

Was UK but recently moved to Vancouver, Canada

9 天 后

Kansas City, Missouri 🙂

Well, as seen in the linked thread in the first post, I am from Denmark - more specifically living in Aarhus 🙂 I simply use Spine for my own small projects, both games and, well, what you see in the other thread 😉

From India. Have been using Spine PRO for over a year now 🙂

Oo I missed this thread. I'm in the SF Bay Area in California

From Korea, but here is Japan. Using pro ver. ^^

Here, all alone in Brazil working as freelance in many projects since the first release of Spine.

12 天 后

I'm in London, United Kingdom, but will very likely be moving to the United States some time around April of 2015 (if everything goes well) I am trying out Spine with the trial version and playing around with it as of right now, but I fully intend on purchasing some time soon, I'm partially just trying to learn the interface and everything while I am also waiting in hopes that I might see the 'pro' version on a nice sale over the "Black Friday" event 😛

I am primarily a 3d artist & animator but I am capable of Pixel Art and 2d animation as well... I used to do this kind of animation that Spine allows, but with Flash. I've not dabbled with it for some time, but so far I am enjoying my experience with Spine.

If there are any other Londoners around here, feel free to PM me 😃

Patriick :

'pro' version on a nice sale over the "Black Friday" event 😛

That would be nice 😃

Michael :
Patriick :

'pro' version on a nice sale over the "Black Friday" event 😛

That would be nice 😃

I honestly didn't expect anything though to be honest 😛 but yes it would have been great!

Colombia! atleast we're kinda close BlackCap. been animating for a decade but just gettting started with spine...fun but confusing =O

I'm from San Jose California; I've been using Spine for a year and a half.

1 个月 后

Greenville, South Carolina. Love Spine - I've been using it for two or three months.

2 个月 后

Hello! 😃

Brazilian Beginner here! 😃

There are people from all around the world here! 😮

4 天 后

Spaniard living in the UK!

I just have started to animate with Spine, although I have Spine since the beginning (first project backer!).
Cool stuff, Spine is :-) Even an impostor artist like myself can do something (visually) edible!