• RuntimesUnityBugs
  • Spine upgrade to AnimationState.cs leads to different animation behavior

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Harald If this is not your result, you might have discovered a bug. Could you please describe what result you get?

After the runtime update, I see the key from mixed out animation is preserved in the following example, no to the setup pose. It stays in the the position where mixing started. Now the question is if it is related purely to runtime or something in my code. I will try to investigate more.
Do you have any test examples pre-ready for these?

Harald When selecting an animation in the Tree view, you have options Export and Layered.

Yeah, I found it, just wanted to read some more detailed info how exactly the Layeredworks.

    Ok, when trying to isolate the problem it looks like that in very basic scenario it works like intended. Now I need to dive deeper to see what is specific to my setup.

    Here is code for an isolated problem, see the last lines with TODO and comments. I would like to hear your thoughts on this?

    using Spine;
    using Spine.Unity;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class AnimationTest : MonoBehaviour
        private const int MainTrack = 0;
        private const int HeadTrack = 1;
        [SerializeField] private SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation;
        [SerializeField] private AnimationReferenceAsset idleAnimation; // idle with keyed bone
        [SerializeField] private AnimationReferenceAsset walkAnimation; // walk without keyed bone
        [SerializeField] private AnimationReferenceAsset headAnimation; // head animation without keyed bone
        private void Start()
            // Start idle
            skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.SetAnimation(MainTrack, idleAnimation, true);
            // Watch animations start
            skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.Start += AnimationStateOnStart;
        private void Update()
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T))
                // Start walking
                // AnimationStateOnStart will be fire and head animation set
                var mainTrackEntry = skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.SetAnimation(MainTrack, walkAnimation, true);
                mainTrackEntry.MixDuration = 0;
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.U))
                // Back to idle
                skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.SetAnimation(MainTrack, idleAnimation, true);
                skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.SetEmptyAnimation(HeadTrack, 0);
        private void AnimationStateOnStart(TrackEntry trackEntry)
            // Checking if animation that needs independent head (like walk) started
            if (trackEntry.TrackIndex == MainTrack && trackEntry.Animation == walkAnimation.Animation)
                var headTrackEntry = skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.SetAnimation(HeadTrack, headAnimation, true);
                headTrackEntry.MixDuration = 0;
                skeletonAnimation.Update(0); // TODO: This is causing the problem!
                // When Update(0) is called, the bone stays in idleAnimation position where it was interrupted
                // When Update(0) is not called, the bone mix to setup position as intended
                // This behavior changed after spine runtime update
                // Update(0) is here to prevent missing heads for one frame in some specific cases, but not sure if should be needed?

      abuki just wanted to read some more detailed info how exactly the Layeredworks.

      Normally animation clean up assumes the animation is applied on top of the setup pose -- in other words, that the animation is the first one to be applied. Clean up (among other things) will delete keys at the start of the animation that are the same as the setup pose.

      When an animation is applied on top of another animation, those keys that are the same as the setup pose may be needed to override the animation below. Without this Layered check box, you can't use clean up because it will delete those keys. If you check the box you can still use clean up without losing keys at the start of the animation that are identical to the setup pose.

      Layered is described in the docs under Clean Up:

      Here is the tooltip for layered:

      When checked, clean up will preserve more keys by assuming this animation will be applied on top of other animations

      abuki Yeah, I found it, just wanted to read some more detailed info how exactly the Layeredworks.

      Note that you can also always hover over items longer or hit F1 to display the tooltip.

      abuki Here is code for an isolated problem, see the last lines with TODO and comments. I would like to hear your thoughts on this?

      Thanks for digging deeper! Your reproduction code can be simplified by removing anything on track 1:

      using Spine;
      using Spine.Unity;
      using UnityEngine;
      public class AnimationTest : MonoBehaviour
          [SerializeField] private SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation;
          [SerializeField] private AnimationReferenceAsset animWithKey; // animation with keyed bone
          [SerializeField] private AnimationReferenceAsset animWithoutKey; // animation without keyed bone
          private void Start () {
              skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.SetAnimation(0, animWithKey, true);
              skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.Start += AnimationStateOnStart;
          private void Update () {
              // remark: hit U, wait a bit and then hit T and observe the leftover applied keys of anim0WithKey
              if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.U)) {
                  skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.SetAnimation(0, animWithKey, true);
              if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T)) {
                  var mainTrackEntry = skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.SetAnimation(0, animWithoutKey, true);
                  mainTrackEntry.MixDuration = 0; // 0.001f fixes the issue
          private void AnimationStateOnStart (TrackEntry trackEntry) {
              if (trackEntry.Animation == animWithoutKey.Animation) {
                  skeletonAnimation.Update(0); // TODO: This is causing the problem!
                                               // When Update(0) is called, the bone stays in idleAnimation position where it was interrupted
                                               // When Update(0) is not called, the bone mix to setup position as intended
                                               // This behavior changed after spine runtime update
                                               // Update(0) is here to prevent missing heads for one frame in some specific cases, but not sure if should be needed?

      The problem seems to be due to skeletonAnimation.Update(0) being called from the callback which is called from within AnimationState.SetAnimation itself. While changing animation state from within callbacks must be done carefully (see this documentation section), we'll further investigate why exactly this is causing things to go wrong.

      A quick fix BTW would be to set the mix duration to a tiny value other than 0 in the following line: mainTrackEntry.MixDuration = 0.001f;

      Hi Harald,

      Thanks, you are looking into it. The thing now is that I need to understand the change and how it works and if I should update my code or wait if you will be making some changes.
      Because I can see that I can probably remove the Update call, which definitely was there for some reason, but I can't find any problems when removing it, so maybe something else was fixed in between?

      So I don't need a quick fix, I better need to understand the issue properly and what is a general good practice.

        The related question is if calls to Update(0) should ever be needed? I can see multiple calls to this in my code, usually fixing blinking for one frame as some logic changed something and animation is updated one frame later. So calling Update(0) fixes these and everything looks as it should. But maybe this is a bad practice in general and there is some better way?

          • 已编辑

          abuki So I don't need a quick fix, I better need to understand the issue properly and what is a general good practice.

          Of course, we will get back to you as soon as we've figured out what's going wrong.

          abuki The related question is if calls to Update(0) should ever be needed? I can see multiple calls to this in my code, usually fixing blinking for one frame as some logic changed something and animation is updated one frame later. So calling Update(0) fixes these and everything looks as it should. But maybe this is a bad practice in general and there is some better way?

          This is described in this documentation section. Calling SkeletonAnimation.Update(0) is in general a valid call to immediately reflect certain performend changes within the same frame. When bones remain unchanged, the call should be replaced by SkeletonAnimation.AnimationState.Apply(skeleton) instead, as described in the mentioned documentation section.

            Harald in general a valid call to immediately reflect certain performend changes within the same frame

            Well, thanks, then I am waiting for your investigation 🙂

            5 天 后

            @abuki Sorry for the long delay!

            The problem is that you're first calling AnimationState.SetAnimation, then through the Start callback you're calling skeletonAnimation.Update(0) which calls AnimationState.Update(0) and after it has already been updated, you're calling mainTrackEntry.MixDuration = 0; which messes with the internal mixDuration state.

            In general you shall always finish setting up the TrackEntry settings before calling AnimationState.Update. In most cases that's no problem, but in your case where the default mix is 0.2 and you're later setting mixDuration to 0.0, it unfortunately triggers a problem.

            So to fix your issue, whenever calling SetAnimation, calling skeletonAnimation.Update(0); from the Start callback makes little sense, instead just call it like this:

             var mainTrackEntry = skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.SetAnimation(0, animWithoutKey, true);
            mainTrackEntry.MixDuration = 0;

            Consider a different scenario, if the default mix was 0 and you did this:

            var mainTrackEntry = skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.SetAnimation(0, animWithoutKey, true);
            // SetAnimation above triggers your start callback which calls Update(0).
            // If the default mix duration was 0, the mix has already completed!
            mainTrackEntry.MixDuration = 0.2f; // Too late! This animation is already current.

            You must ensure you do not call Update until after configuring your track entries. There is no reason to do it in a start callback. As Harald showed, call SetAnimation or AddAnimation, then configure the track entry, then call Update if needed.

            @abuki We missed to reference the documentation earlier. This requirement is documented here as follows:

            The mixDuration can be set manually rather than use the value from getMix. In that case, the mixDuration can be set for a new track entry only before update is first called.

            Hi, Thanks for detailed explanation! Now I got it, I think in that case I will fix it just by removing the Update call.

            Still, there might be (and apparently there was before) a reason to call Update in OnAnimationStart. The Update was called not alone but with using another SetAnimation there. But now I see that would need a different pattern to be sure it is always called after setting trackEntry properties.

            My minor notes to this:

            1. It would be great to have an option to set these trackEntry properties right with the SetAnimation call (before the start event is fired). This order of actions that SetAnimation (and thus OnAnimationStart) is always called before we can manipulate mixDuration was already misleading a few times before, and I need to create some hacks around that. Or am I again missing some option to set it?
            2. I am still not sure what exactly was changed in the runtime that changed my behavior. But I assume that now I understand it more deeply and if there will be again some visual changes, I will dive into it to understand it before doing dirty hacks. Generally, I am just a little concerned about the runtime always providing reliable identical outcome.

            Thanks again for taking time to deep dive into it, I truly appreciate it!

            The start event is fired "when this entry has been set as the current entry". That happens when you call SetAnimation or AddAnimation, before you get a chance to configure the entry. It also happens when you call Update and a queued animation (one added with AddAnimation) becomes current.

            If the start event is not what you want, what is the event you want and when does it fire?

            If we added an event when AnimationState Update or Apply updates or applies an entry for the first time, it'd be too late for you to call Update(0).

            Your code that calls SetAnimation or AddAnimation knows when it is done configuring the TrackEntry. That is when you should call Update(0), if needed. I don't see any scenario where it makes sense to use a callback to do that. There are many use cases though, so if you can describe a use case where the callbacks aren't giving you what you need, we can try to address that.

            So here is my updated code to reflect the proper order of actions:

            // some calculation if animation will be delayed or not
            if (delay > 0)
            	newTrackEntry = SkeletonAnimation.AnimationState.AddAnimation(MainTrackIndex, animationName, isLoop, delay);
            	newTrackEntry = SkeletonAnimation.AnimationState.SetAnimation(MainTrackIndex, animationName, isLoop);
            // Some trackEntry manipulations
            newTrackEntry.MixDuration = 0;
            // If delayed (added) subscribe to event, if not (set) call it right now			
            if (delay > 0)
            	newTrackEntry.Start += OnAnimationStarted;

            What I need is to be sure that right at the moment when some animation starts, I need to check if it has some special settings and do something on some other tracks and call Update.

            So this is probably the right solution?

            Yes, I think your code looks good. When using SetAnimation you run your "started" logic after configuring the entry. When using AddAnimation, you run your logic in the start callback, which will be called by AnimationState Update when that entry becomes the current entry. In both cases you are only running your "started" logic on a fully configured entry, so you can call Update if needed.