Hi Harald,
Unfortunately, we discovered a new problem again related to this piece of code that was upgraded. It was not obvious on the first view, as it appears in some specific cases. As before, it is very challenging to share repro project, but I will try to explain what we see again as you might guess if that is in your code or mine.
We have a fairly complex track setup for the main characters, playing multiple animations in different tracks. And now it looks like when on one track the animation is interrupted and mixed to another that does not have keys for the bone the previous had, the pose for the bone is kept instead of mixing to the setup pose. Which should be the correct behavior, right?
Tl;dr I see visual changes in played animations with the same animations/track then before the update. I guess spine runtime should be consistent in interpreting animations after update, right?
Before we can be sure the behavior is consistent, I am downgrading back to an older version of spine runtime, which works fine (I kept the cleanup of my code, which was good anyway).