Hello, I am a developer using Spine with Unity.
I have been using Spine for game development for the past three years and have found it incredibly helpful and convenient.
When I first started, I used version 3.8. My next project utilized version 4.0, and for my current project, I have upgraded to Unity 6 and am using Spine 4.2.
However, I have encountered an issue while using Spine's Track-based animation playback feature.
When playing a body animation on Track 0 and a mouth animation on Track 1, Track 1 fails to override Track 0 as expected.
Initially, I thought it was a simple issue related to Track Index, but I discovered that whenever a mouth animation is played on any track, the mouth disappears.
I checked to see if the same issue occurs in the Spine Editor by using the preview feature, but in the Spine Editor, it plays correctly.
Therefore, I suspect this is an issue occurring specifically with the Unity runtime, and I wanted to share this information with you.
I am aware that Unity 6 is not officially supported according to the documentation, but as downgrading the project version is not feasible at this time, I would greatly appreciate it if this issue could be addressed.
Here is unity project link.
- Unity Version
- Spine Runtime Version
spine-csharp Runtime: 4.2.33
spine-unity Runtime: 4.2.92
Spine Universal RP Shaders: 4.2.39
- Spine Editor Version