• RuntimesUnity
  • Cant select sertain bone for BoneFollower

We have old project with Spine 3.8 animations.
Recently we updated Unity version on 2023.2, and now I cant select bone.
Now I have only "root" bone for select, and search field.

But when I want select bone "head", I cant choose it - only bones, what are inside it.
When I search bone "neck", it cant be searched.
This bones 100% are in project.

What's happens?..
We use 3.8 runtime, I know this is old, but we cant simply change version (at now).
It all was alright in 2023.1.

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    Grelle The officially supported version of spine-unity 3.8 is up to Unity 2020.3. Even if we could make a fix for this problem, the fix would be applied to the current latest spine-unity 4.2 runtime. Please try the new spine-unity runtime and if it solves the problem, consider upgrading your version.

    Oh, I understand that 3.8 is not supported; I just wanted some confirm like: "Yes, it is bug, in is unwanted component behavior".
    But I now checked out other project, with Spine 4.1, and this bug here too.
    So I want to ask: if there will be fix, does this fix really will be only for 4.2? What about not-so-old and pretty actual 4.1?

      And one more strange behaviour: when I mouse over "root" (only over, not click), this bone became selected. You cannot select "None" like this, only click.

      Grelle But I now checked out other project, with Spine 4.1, and this bug here too.

      Does the issue occur with the latest spine-unity 4.2 package, or did you really only test with the latest spine-unity 4.1 runtime?

      Grelle So I want to ask: if there will be fix, does this fix really will be only for 4.2? What about not-so-old and pretty actual 4.1?

      Please note that if you take a look at the download page, you can see that spine-unity 4.1 officially supports Unity versions up to 2023.1

      spine-unity 4.1 for Unity 2017.1-2023.1.

      In order to not break existing projects, we will likely not be backporting such a bugfix, sorry. I also don't quite see a valid use-case where one needs to use an old version of Spine and the spine-unity runtime and at the same time use a Unity version which exceeds the supported versions.

      @Grelle If you can reproduce the issue on 4.2 with the latest spine-unity package, please do send us a minimal Unity project which still shows this issue. You can send it as a zip file to contact@esotericsoftware.com, briefly mentioning this forum thread URL so that we know the context. Then we can have a look at what's going wrong.

      I will try latest versions, but later, after weekend.

      Our company has many not-so-big projects, and we update them - upgrade unity version, plugins for inapps, monetisations. When you have so many projects, you must keep some order - only version of packages across it, reglaments and so on. And sometime you dont try all new versions of other work tools (such as Spine).
      So, we dont upgrade spine versions for old projects, it is risk, additional QA time and no profit for monetisation (=
      I say it just for showing the case: why someone use newest Unity, but old Spine. We even dont use latest 4.1 at now.

      So, I understand you; if 4.2 will have the issue, I will try to send project.
      If latest 4.1 or 4.2 will help (or you fix issue only on 4.2), it both means I need to ask time for upgrading Spine versions during future updates, and I will have powerful argument.

      And more: yes, 4.1 doesn't support 2023.2, but - officially - 4.2 doesn't support it too...

      @Harald thank you for answers, help and explanations ☺️

        Grelle So, we dont upgrade spine versions for old projects, it is risk, additional QA time and no profit for monetisation (=

        Please note that upgrading to the latest Unity version is always risky as well (also the latest non-beta version), and poses similar problems: newly introduced issues, time spent fixing bugs and additional QA time spent. So I do not quite understand why you upgraded to Unity 2023.2 and not e.g. 2023.1.

        I say it just for showing the case: why someone use newest Unity, but old Spine. We even dont use latest 4.1 at now.

        Please note that then you are likely missing bugfixes.

        If latest 4.1 or 4.2 will help (or you fix issue only on 4.2), it both means I need to ask time for upgrading Spine versions during future updates, and I will have powerful argument.

        You don't necessarily have to upgrade to 4.2, you could as well port the bugfix commit to your 4.1 or 3.8 spine-unity runtime if we decide that back-porting is too dangerous.

        6 天 后

        We try 4.2 and Unity 2023.2.18, and issue still here. Some bones can be selected, some bones can't.
        I sent zip to e-mail you wrote earlier.

        @Grelle Thanks for sending the reproduction project. We will get back to you here on the forum once we've figured out what's going wrong.

        @Grelle We have just released a bugfix for the issue for both the spine-unity 4.2 and 4.1 runtimes.

        New 4.1 and 4.2 spine-unity unitypackages are available for download:
        Thanks for reporting!

        The required change is actually just a space added in SpineAttributeDrawers.cs which is needed on Unity 2023.2+, see the commit here.

        The problem was that since Unity 2023.2, menu entries can't have both one entry without and one with submenus at the same name:

        A/B     // this will not be displayed, as A already exists and has no submenus

        Issue ticket URL for later reference: