Hello! Could you guys help me with one thing?
Trying to add a black outline to my spine character using Spine/Outline/Skeleton shader. But when I enable outline toggle it just renders outlines, I mean it just overrides all atlas images (like on the example screenshots). Tried to do the same thing as it's described on the "Outline shaders for spine-unity" blog post from February 10th, 2020, but have the same result. Also, I want to add an outline not for each spine part but like on the last image (from the blog post example). Spent a lot of time solving this issue, read other forum posts and documentation, but just can't find the right solution
Thank you, and sorry for my bad English :rolleyes:
Add outline to character
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Are you perhaps using URP (Universal Render Pipeline)? If so, you need to use the Spine URP shaders, the normal shaders with multiple passes will not work. In the Spine URP shaders package you can find an example scene Outline Shaders URP
See the documentation page section here:
spine-unity Runtime Documentation: URP Shaders Extension UPM Package
Thank you very much for your reply!
I tried to use URP outline only shader, it work but I have another issue, the outline is just thicker or thinner on some skin parts, why it can happen? Some import settings?
In some parts your outline is cut by the border of the mesh. Please check out this blog posting here on how to fix this:
Blog: Outline shaders for spine-unity: Mesh attachments leave space to not cut off the outline
In some areas where it's not cut, that's due to the width of the outline being constant width in texture space (the number of texels). Imagine you have an outline width of 3 texels: When your attachment takes up only a few texels in the atlas but is scaled large on-screen, the outline of a constant 3 texels width in a 20 texel attachment will be scaled large too, compared to a 3 texel outline in a 80 texel attachment that is displayed at the same size on screen at 4x the texture resolution. In general it's recommended to use a consistent texel-per-screen-pixel density when deciding the resolution of your attachment images, to get the best result from your texture.
We have an issue ticket here for this feature:
Unfortunately we didn't get to implement this yet.