Hello guys, 🙂 I have a question:
What is the best way to detect when a specific animation has finished that has been playback twice in a queued animation?
Let me explain:
I'm doing a boxing game where the enemy do a combo punch: left punch, right punch, and again same animation left punch.

First I tried to use the signal completed animation to go back to idle(if the animation name is "left punch" go back to idle animation) but obviously because the first animation and the last are the same after playback the first animation it will go back to idle skipping the rest of the combo(right punch and left punch again).
The idea I've come up with is making two idle animations that are the same but with different names, one when the scene starts another one (that has been duplicated in Spine) with different name when the combo finish to go back to idle animation.

I tried using when animation is completed signal and using SpineTrackEntry get_current(track_id: int) something like this:

But it seems it doesn't work. Is there a way to detect when all the added animations has finished? Or detect when a specific animation has finished that has been playback twice in a queued animation?