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Posing Tool Suggestion
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I often have to use pose tool in animation instead of using IK and after posing a pair of bones (for example) and many more...i have to choose over and over again the same pairs of bones to pose , it will be quite annoying if I have many pairs of bones because then it will be quite difficult to choose the right pair of bones I need.
So I suggest a solution, when I select a pair of bones to pose, I can press ctrl+alt+s (for example) so that the red circle controller is always visible even when I select another pair of bones (like saving it's in a library), and so next time I won't have to select that pair of bones again, just click on the red circle controller that was "created" before, if I want to delete it I can press ctrl+ alt+x (example).
I normally save pairs under quick numbers hitting ctrl + [number from 0-9]
and then recalling them with just hitting corresponding number
Oh thank you! That is one way, but it has the weakness that it has a limited number and is required to remember the exact corresponding number of that pair of bones.
In my solution, the red control circles are always visible when the "pose tool" button is pressed, pretty sure it would be more convenient, right?
Why don't you try navigating your history selection with PAG_UP and PAG_DOWN? that is not limited to 10
It generally works wonders for me combined with the stored number selections.
Spine Tips: navigate selection history
Let me know how it goes!
Selection history is probably the most underrated feature! Even I sometimes forget about it.
Control groups are helpful too but do I understand notme1611's idea. I've made a note and we'll see what we can do in 4.1 with the idea!