• Editor
  • Can we snap to whole or half numbers in Translate tool?

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Is there a way to set Spine up so that images/attachments/meshes/etc snap to whole or half number translate values?

I am one of those pixel art users so when I import images and move them, I find myself manually entering translate values to get things perfectly lined up with each other, even with using the V shortcut and Tab to enter said values.

If I were able to turn on a "Snap to: Whole Number" and/or "Snap to: Half Number" setting that would would let attachments/images/etc have those type of X and Y translate values when moving them around with the mouse, it would save a ton of time in getting art aligned.

Thanks! Aside from the ease of moving images around the canvas with the mouse if this were possible, I suppose the issue starts when new images are brought into Spine and placed on the canvas. They appear on coordinates like -0.6699 and 1.3221, so correcting their positions by typing exact number for every image/attachment/etc in the X and Y fields becomes a time consuming process.

I appreciate the consideration!

7 天 后

I also actively support this proposal.

2 年 后

Was this feature ever implemented?