I think I am still confused.
I have 3 files that are exported from Spine, skeleton.png, skeleton.atlas, and skeleton.json
I am scaling the exported skeleton.png to different sizes, in cocos2d/cocos2dx this is typically 25%, 50% and 100% scaled images.
I want to use all 3 scaled versions of skeleton.png with the same unmodified skeleton.atlas and skeleton.json files exported from Spine.
Using the runtime skeleton->scale doesn't do that. I was only able to do it with my changes in my previous post.
If that skeleton->scale was never intended to do that, is it possible to export to different scales from the Spine editor, or would I need to create 3 separate skeletons?
I think part of my confusion stems from the documentation, the part that describes Scale in this way:
This can be useful when using different sized images than were used when designing the skeleton in Spine. For example, if using images that are half the size than were used in Spine, a scale of 0.5 can be used. This is commonly used for games that can run with either low or high resolution texture atlases.
I can see now that it only refers to the json skeleton file exported from Spine, and not .atlas file