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  • Can you give us a development schedule for the stretch goals

Hi, EscotericSoftware Team.
You create us a wonderful tools for game developers.Can you give us a development schedule for the stretched kickstarter goals? Can't wait for the great features. We will use your spine in our incoming games.


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We did rough estimates to come up with the goals, but we don't have a proper schedule. We've promised to do a lot of work, so we are now just plodding along as fast as possible. 🙂 Currently we are working on a new app launcher with auto update that will solve a lot of issues we are having on Mac with Java 7. Then it's back to the working on the generic C++ runtime, separating the SFML runtime from it, and then we'll work on the cocos2d runtime. After that we'll work on Unity and have the initial Kickstarter goals done (Corona, cocos2d, Unity). After that we'll do cocos2d-x. After that we'll tackle stretch goals in whatever order lets us get things done the fastest.

Do you think you might be able to put together a very rough time table? e.g. Q2 2013, Q3 2013, Q4 2013, Q1 2014 etc. Would be good to know when I might be able to start using it with MonoGame (c#)

I can say I hope to be done within a couple months, hopefully sooner. I don't want it to drag on forever, and in fact can't let that happen as this is my only job. 🙂

And how soon do you planning to release cocos2d runtime? Approximately.

13 天 后

"plodding along as fast as possible."

Is this the problem? Perhaps you guys shouldn't be plodding along, but should be getting some hardcore dev work done.

I'm in the pissed off "wheres my cocos2d runtime" camp. As it is your talk of a c++ runtime just isn't good enough: I purchased 2 licenses and I'm yet to feel remotely good about it.

Hoping you guys get on top of this soon - you've got a lot of buzz; but it seems to me that you're in a very precarious place.. all that buzz will easily turn into a terrible reputation if you guys don't start delivering on your promises soon.

I recon they should complete those documentation pages as soon as possible. I also purchased a license only to find no documentation for the binary format. I was pissed for like the whole 4 seconds, but then I found the source for their java runtime and created my own for all the pascal users to enjoy. creating a runtime requires a tiny fraction of effort that went into making the software itself. anyone with some decent programming skills can do it so why don't you guys just help yourselves?

@infrid, these things take time to do. The Kickstarter ended on February 23'rd and Nate has been working pretty much all day every day since then. A little more patience, the cocos2d runtime will be out there soon.