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prevent 2 bones to overlap
Hello everyone,
I've waiting a long time before asking this because I thougth I would find a way to do this on my own. It looks like I did not !
When I move the leg of my biper,I would like to prevent parts of the leg to overlap so to have this : 图像因不支持 HTTPS 被隐藏。 | 仍然显示
But not this : 图像因不支持 HTTPS 被隐藏。 | 仍然显示
And sadly it does happen very often.
Thanks for your help and time !
What do you want to happen when the foot is raised higher in the first image? You want to leave the bones as in the first picture and translate the entire leg upward? You could do that with code at runtime, but I don't think there is a way to get that behavior in the editor unless of course you key it.
I would like to be able to move my foot freely whithout taking the risk of the leg white parts to overlap. It is used in GameMaker Studio.
Maybe prevent the 2 IK constraint (bottom and top of the leg) to bind more than a given angle ? But I don't know how I could achieve that.
Also, may I ask if there is a way to prevent Spine to block the loading of the software to ask me if I want to update it ? I have the 3.7.2 and GMS support it until the 3.7 for sure but they can't ensure it will still work if I update it too much.
You would need to write code at runtime.
You can set your Spine version and it won't update automatically:
Settings - Spine User Guide: Version
Well I hoped not to have to do that since I don't know how to achieve that. If it's inside GMS, I'll do it but do you mean something directly in Spine ? Is it related to this ? GitHub - EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes: 2D skeletal animation runtimes for Spine.
At runtime means not in the Spine editor, but in your application. The Spine Runtimes, which you linked to, are the officially supported runtime implementations for many langauges and game toolkits. The documentation for it is here:
Spine Runtimes Guide
GMS is a game toolkit which integrates the Spine Runtimes to load, manipulate, and render Spine animations. GMS should provide you an API to manipulate bones and other parts of the animation data. Ideally they provide you direct access to the Spine Runtimes APIs, else maybe they provide a wrapped API that has most or all of the same functionality.
One you know what GMS provides for manipulating your skeleton, you should have better idea of how to do what you need. I expect what you want is to prevent the foot getting too close to the root of the leg, but it isn't clear to me how you want it to behave. You can't just say, "I want to be able to move the foot anywhere and have no problems", you'll need to decide what you want to happen to avoid such problems.
I see, thank you very much !