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  • Color Palettes? Is this a thing?

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Hi everyone! I'm new to Spine and finding my way around everything. As I'm working on my first project, I'm wondering if color palettes are a thing that I'm somehow overlooking. I'm coloring bones and I think it would be great to set a color and then perhaps have a small selection (8, 12, 16) of save slots available so that it is easier to reuse colors. Is there something like this already incorporated and I'm just missing it. If not, do you think that this is something that could be added to a future release?

I love what I've experienced thus far. I'm excited to be able to incorporate so nice 2D animation into my game projects.


We currently don't have that feature.
But I think that's a really good idea to add.

That's a neat puppy, btw.

Good to know I wasn't missing something obvious. I agree that it could be a nice little addition.

And thanks! You know what they say. Puppy. They say Puppy.


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Nice to have you here 😃 (and on the streams!)
I agree, color palettes and/or a color picker would be great to have!

PUPPY ATTACK! Thanks for the greetings! It's good to be here.

I investigated quite a number of options before ultimately deciding on Spine. Some had interesting features, but honestly none can compare. Many moons ago, I was a beta tester and avid user of the first version of ToonBoom Studio. Spine is a completely different animal (and quite a bit different in the scope and focus). I'm excited to see what is possible and really looking forward to integrating some really nice animations into my game projects. I feel like this is a potential missing piece in my development workflow.