
预订Esoteric Software顶级动画师的现场或Web研讨会,帮助您的团队运作起来,学习先进的Spine技术或获取贵公司及产品所需的具体帮助。




每单元网络研讨会价格为$90美元,现场研讨会为$200美元一单元。对于网络研讨会,可能需要支付$ 15的固定费用,以支付视频会议软件的费用。前往客户所在地的机票和住宿费另收,具体费用视客户所在地及教师停留天数而定。收到您的研讨会请求后,我们会向您发送研讨会总费用报价。




  • 每位学员需要有一台可运行Spine的笔记本或台式电脑(研讨会期间可提供Spine许可证)
  • 每位学员需要连接宽带网络
  • 每个参与者的耳机和麦克风
  • On-site:
    • 一间可容纳所有学员的房间
    • 投影仪,最低分辨率为1920x1080, HDMI 输入接口
  • 建议每场研讨会最多20名学员


Choose a main module based on the level of knowledge of the participants. These introductory modules cover general Spine features. To extend the workshop, advanced modules may be added below.

For groups of 10 or more, the two day Beginner module is recommended regardless of overall knowledge level. This ensures enough time for each participant to have their exercises reviewed by the instructor.


Beginner Level

This two day module introduces 2D skeletal animation and teaches the basics of using Spine. While any experience with animating is helpful, participants do not require previous experience with skeletal animation.

Temporal Slots
9:00 - 9:45Presentation of Spine
The layout of Spine
The workflow of Spine
Slots and images
10:00 - 10:45
11:00 - 11:45
Exporting from Photoshop
Importing into Spine
12:00 - 12:45
Animation basics
13:00 - 13:45
Lunch break
14:00 - 14:45
Setting up a character from scratch
15:00 - 15:45
16:00 - 16:45
Basic animation with the new character
End of day recap and questions
17:00 - 17:45
Temporal Slots
9:00 - 9:45Meshes
10:00 - 10:45
11:00 - 11:45
IK constraints
12:00 - 12:45
Transform constraints
13:00 - 13:45
Lunch break
14:00 - 14:45
Paths and path constraints
15:00 - 15:45Setting up meshes on a character
16:00 - 16:45
17:00 - 17:45
Setting up weights on Raptor
End of day recap and questions


Intermediate Level

This one day module introduces the main features of Spine for participants that already have prior experience with skeletal animation. This ensures participants have the same base knowledge for advanced modules.

Temporal Slots
9:00 - 9:45The workflow of Spine
Slots and images
Exporting from Photoshop
Importing into Spine
10:00 - 10:45
11:00 - 11:45Setting up an advanced character from scratch
(meshes, weights, constraints)
12:00 - 12:45
13:00 - 13:45Lunch break
14:00 - 14:45Animating the new character and improving rigging
15:00 - 15:45
16:00 - 16:45
17:00 - 17:45Recap of Day 1 and questions


These advanced modules focus on specific Spine features and techniques. Advanced modules can be chosen without a main module if all participants are adequately experienced with Spine.

2.5D Effects (3 hours)

Learn how to achieve three-dimensionality using 2D images with meshes, weights, control bones, and free-form deformation.

Organization, RegEx, and Export (1 hour)

Learn the technical aspects of managing your Spine project, asset files, and exports. Search and replace using regular expressions to quickly create skins, reorganize your project, and more.

Control Bones (3 hours)

Optimize your animations by avoiding direct mesh deformations to achieve a smaller file size, improved performance, and make it easier to reuse your animations.

Deformation vs Weights (2 hours)

This module focuses on the pros and cons of using free-form deformation vs bone weights. Learn the specific situations where each technique is most appropriate.

Clothing, Capes, and Gowns (2 hours)

Learn to animate complex clothes in 2D. Learn how to structure the rig to efficiently control clothing meshes that follow body parts but can still be manipulated independently.

Facial Expressions (4 hours)

Learn how to construct rigs which can be manipulated for a variety of facial expressions. Various rigging approaches are covered for eyes, opening and closing a mouth, 2.5D effects, expression from combining multiple animations, and more.

Transform Constraints (2 hours)

Learn the many uses of transform constraints for advanced rigging controls, dynamic bone reparenting, and much more.

Path Constraints (2 hours)

Learn how to use paths and path constraints for smooth motion that would be difficult to animate using translation alone.

Advanced Constraints 1 (2 hours)

Learn to use multiple constraints together in complex rigs. Set up a character with strechy limbs using meshes, weights, paths, path constraints, and IK constraints.

Advanced Constraints 2 (2 hours)

Learn how constraint order can be used to your advantage in complex rigs with multiple constraints. Set up a tentacle rig with organic movement using meshes, weights, paths, path constraints, and transform constraints.

Visual Effects (2 hours)

Learn to create optimized visual effects (VFX) in Spine using any combination of skeletal animation, frame-by-frame animation, and runtime generated particles.

Rigging Hair (1 hour)

Learn how to create and optimize the hairstyles of your characters with both performance and aesthetics in mind.

Pixel Art (1 hour)

Learn a variety of tips and tricks to use Spine for pixel art projects, whether for a retro frame-by-frame look or for mixing pixel art with smooth interpolation.

Tint Black (1 hour)

Learn how to get more mileage from of your art assets through creative use of tint black for equipment, items, visual effects, and more.

Skin Bones and Constraints (2 hours)

Learn how to use skin specific bones and constraints to improve the organization and reusability of complex rigs.

Multi-pose Characters (2 hours)

Learn how to setup your Photoshop and Spine workflows to create alternative poses for your characters within a single skeleton.

Rig Review (1 hour)

Have your rig reviewed by a Spine expert who then guides you through rigging additional features of your choice. The rig must be sent to us ahead of the workshop. The number of hours may be increased as needed for more complex characters.

Guided Rigging (1 hour)

Follow along as a Spine expert rigs a character of your choice from scratch with commentary and review. A Photoshop file ready to be exported to Spine must be sent to us ahead of the workshop. The number of hours may be increased as needed for more complex characters.



Custom Module

Topics, questions, or other items you would like covered in the custom module:
