So I'm making a mesh and modifying it to fit the image I applied the mesh to. I made a mistake and named another image the same name of the image that I applied the mesh to. When I go to save the correct image back into the mesh, it doesn't fit the mesh I applied it to. It actually looks as though the image randomly scales up within the mesh. Here are some images:
The image inside the mesh used to be fitted to the mesh until I accidentally replaced it with an incorrect image. After saving the correct image again, this above image was the result.
But when I press the "Reset" button...
It reverts back to the original image and looks as if the image went back to its original size.
This has happened to me several times, and sometimes the original image will magically fit back inside the mesh after a period of time, and sometimes it doesn't and I'd have to reconstruct the mesh all over again.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?