Amazing work! I'm looking to accomplish a similar feat myself. Would you mind sharing your file with me as well? I'd love to learn how you pulled this off. Cheers!
How to make a zombie
5 天 后
Can I get a copy too? I tried figuring it out without having to bother you but failed. ^-^;
3 个月 后
Woww... super cool animation Bro..I really Want to Learn from u... Can I get ur project file ?? ..Thanks
2 年 后
Thank you!
1 个月 后
WOW! This look incredible!!! I was wondering if you are willing to send me project files, just started using Spine and it would help me a lot.
Happy New Year btw! ^^
1 年 后
Share with us the Spine file of this masterpiece! <3 TNX U SO MUCH for the walkthrough!