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Straling render problems
Hi, everyone!
We have strange problem with render spine animation in starling framework. In Spine everything works fine. The whole animation works properly: here is example
But when I try to render this animation pig's legs doen't work properly. Here is example:
Any ideas what's wrong?
What Spine editor version are you using and have exported for Starling for?
What Spine Starling runtime are you using?
Could you send me your Spine project including images to contact@esotericsoftware.com? Please add a link to this thread in your email!
From the info in the e-mail you send, you are using different editor and runtime versions. Please open your Spine project in editor version 3.5.x, export and then use it with a 3.5.x runtime version. Otherwise you'll have to downgrade the Starling runtime to 3.3 to match the editor version.