Quick update: I'm working on the lip sync tool right now. I don't have much spare time, so things are going slow, but I should definitely have something to show within the next few weeks.
Lip Sync
Rhubarb Lip Sync for Spine is making progress! I just performed the first successful round-trip, importing a Spine file into Rhubarb, animating it, then importing it back into Spine. :happy:
There's still a lot of work to be done though.
图像因不支持 HTTPS 被隐藏。 | 仍然显示
Super cool! :happy:
I'm so looking forward for this! happy to hear news!
BTW, we added a new feature you might find interesting, discussed in this thread: 图像因不支持 HTTPS 被隐藏。 | 仍然显示
"morph-target" track animation mix mode
It is a new kind of AnimationState mixing (additive) which enables mixing multiple mesh deforms. This could be used for facial expressions, eg to mix 40% angry with 20% surprised and 35% happy. Here's a GIF mixing a breathe animation with up/down and left/right animations:
Notice he looks both left and down, and the alpha can be adjusted for each animation.
Can't wait to try this out!
Just checking in to say that I'm interested in this topic as well for an Unreal Engine project. Is there any new news on the Rhubarb integration or something similar?
Here's an update on the Rhubarb integration. TL;DR: Really soon now.
When I started work on integrating Rhubarb with Spine, I chose C# and Windows Forms as technology stack. Shortly after my last post, I realized that that was a dead end. Not only is Windows Forms riddled with known bugs that will never get fixed; I also realized that the Mono support for Windows Forms is much less complete than I thought. This means that although I had a working first version, it was a nightmare to develop and it only ran on Windows, not on OS X or Linux.
So I decided to scrap the existing integration and to re-write it from scratch, this time using Kotlin and JavaFX. It took me some time (I hadn't used either technology before), but now the new integration is almost done. Feature-wise, I'm exactly where I was before: The basic round trip is working with some polishing left to do. But at least I know that this version will run on any platform that Spine runs on.
If you're feeling very adventurous, you can check out the branch https://github.com/DanielSWolf/rhubarb-lip-sync/tree/feature/spine. You'll have to build it yourself, though, using cmake, a C++ compiler, and a Kotlin compiler. For the rest of you, I hope I'll have a binary release in a few weeks at most.
Holding my breath!
Great news! Not holding my breath, but excited nonetheless!
Stop holding your breath! It's done!
I know it tool far too long for everybody's patience (including mine ), but I just released Rhubarb Lip Sync 1.7.0. This new version includes a graphical tool that lets you add lip-sync'ed dialog animations to your Spine projects!
Check out the documentation, then download Rhubarb and get going!
Please let me know what you think. I'm always happy to get feedback!
And if you run into any problems, just create an issue on GitHub.
Oh man! How did I not get a notification on this?? I definitely will give this a shot! I'm super excited to see how this works
Thanks so much for getting it going and sharing it!
Will be back with updates soon and hopefully with successful examples
I'm looking forward to your feedback!
I also didn't get a forum notification, that is odd.
It looks cool! I can see this helping a lot of people.
I just released Rhubarb Lip Sync 1.7.1. This is a pure bugfix release that fixes a blocking error in Rhubarb Lip Sync for Spine. So if you're checking out Rhubarb, make sure to download the latest version: https://github.com/DanielSWolf/rhubarb-lip-sync/releases/tag/v1.7.1
And another bugfix release: https://github.com/DanielSWolf/rhubarb-lip-sync/releases/tag/v1.7.2
Thanks for continuing to update this!
I really want to play around with it.
Man feel bad that I haven't been able to get you feedback on it.
Setting up a facial rig takes planning.. But I'm rushing to meet bigger deadlines at the moment. But will get back as soon as I can!
I've created a new thread for Rhubarb Lip Sync in the general forum. I think that's a better spot than the Unity forum. (I don't even know how to use Unity. )