I got bored today and thought since not everyone has NodeCanvas that I would put together a small example of how Mecanim can be used as an FSM tool to control Skeleton Animation (NOT Animator) by using State Machine Behaviors. I usually prefer programming everything out, so getting this working on a very basic example so easily was surprising.
Here's the video and attached project. Keep in mind this is stripped down very bare and doesn't make use of public variables which make it easy to expose drop down selectors of spine animations. That would require a bit more work, but it "appears" easily doable and with the free built in tool.
In case people aren't familiar with Mecanim, it's basically a system you feed inputs to and then create transitions from based on the current state of those variables. If you change your movement speed to .5 and are in Idle currently and Idle defines a transition to Run with movementSpeed >= 1, it simply moves to that new state.
The code on the right at the end shows the behavior I place on every state in the FSM.
I'm horrible at explaining anything, true coder with no capacity to communicate so if you have questions or just want to know what's going on feel free to reply.