(I merged the two images of the meshes to upload just one picture)
by troubles I mean that I have no idea of how to get the mesh deform as I need it but I guess it's my ignorance regarding polygons and 3D. I redid them a couple times and so far this was the best compromise yet I guess I just suck at it.
One thing I noticed is that after I make the mesh Spine deforms it (?) and I have to hit the Reset button to get it back to how I drew it (I mean, I didn't even bind it to bones) and after this it gets moved a tiny bit away from its original place.
Oh, and it might be incredible but I still encounter the "root bug" (to which I once posted a video) so this time I couldn't move the root at all after selecting the Bones and Images compensate setting, (cause I first parent all the parts then I move the root so that the feet touch the line and then I reset the root to 0,0 but lately the meshes do strange things or the last image I attached).
Besides this Spine really is amazing and I love you. Just so you know, and those new features are really something! I just read about the mesh reuse and I'm looking forward to test it! (did I mention that I love you? I spent SO much time redoing these every time TTTT next would be a copy paste of animations between different skeletons without having to "hack" your file and I'd be really done haha.)