Hi Nate,
We love Spine and supported the Kickstarter, but we found a bug thats keeping us from moving forward. We have a character that walks up and down and right and left. When ever we change out images for a different animations (walking up and down vs right) it causes other images to disappear. We thought it could be a Unity bug but have tested it in Skeleton Viewer and it's definitely a bug with spine. Same issue seems to have popped up 2 years ago but the solution of Calling SetToSetupPose did not fix it: http://ru.esotericsoftware.com/forum/Unity-bug-object-disappears-when-switching-animation-1689
I've attached the files for a character walk up and down, left and right so you can see it happening in the Skeleton Viewer. It does not happen in the Spine Editor.
Thank you!