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Page Missing Material
Is anyone else having this problem?
I used the default export process from SPINE.
Created the 3 files
Took them into UNITY and now I'm having problems with "page missing material" errors.
I'm on version pro and launcher 3.0.05
Thanks in advance
That setup looks weird. Where's the png? And you seem to have manually made a material yourself.
I think your atlas export resulted in 2 pages, so there should be 2 pngs, and 2 materials. These should have been generated automatically and assigned automatically too.
Yea the PNG's didn't generate.
Sometimes the materials get auto generated in UNITY. When I don't see them, I manually make them. (which sounds like I shouldn't be doing)
Should there be a specific way to rename \ import the .json .atlas files to auto generate the materials in UNITY?
As long as you export them and move them into Unity as is together in a folder, everything should work fine. Then after you've already imported, you can arrange them in any folder arrangement you like.
It's totally fine to make your own material and atlas assets but you have to know where things go. And in this case, you have to know if there were multiple pages exported. The inspector is trying to be helpful by notifying you of that fact.
Thanks, I fixed it by using the workflow you guys posted on youtube.
could you tell me how to fix this problem please? I had met the same situation
I posted an answer on your other thread, if this is the same problem:
Script 'Animation' has the same name as built-in Unity compo
Let us keep the discussion to one forum thread.