• International中文
  • 请问如何在运行时将某个插槽的附件设置为空

我们有这样一个需求,需要在运行时将某个插槽的附件置为空,如将角色手持的武器设置为空,并且获取该角色不手持武器时候的网格,我尝试通过Slot.Attachment = null的代码来清空附件,但是似乎在Update中该插槽的附件又会因为应用时间轴上的插槽附件而被再次覆盖,从而再次显示出来。


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@ECG_Kinsey This sounds as if your animations key attachments which they should not. Either:

  • A) Modify your animations so that they don't key the attachment. If the attachment was not intended to be keyed by your animations, perhaps your animations have keyed everything in the first frame?
  • B) Call Slot.Attachment = null; at the proper time, every time after animations are applied but before your mesh is generated via registering to the SkeletonAnimation.UpdateLocal callback. Check out the documentation here, subsection SkeletonAnimation Update Callbacks.



    我们检查了我们动画的关键帧,动画A种不存在角色左手武器附件的关键帧,动画B的具有角色左手武器附件的关键帧,当从动画B切换到动画A的时候,会因为融合的原因覆盖Slot.Attachment = null所产生的将附件置空的效果


    @ECG_Kinsey Glad to hear it helped. I also assumed that A is not an option, I mainly mentioned it for sake of completeness and as a potential easy fix.