WUYAN123 Started. Update available: 4.2.09-beta ERROR: Unable to unpack atlas: [error] Unable to find atlas image: D:\戴克斯1\0 at s.DsX.(:97) at s.Cmd.(:142) at s.yEH.(:562) at s.qBe.(:584) at s.ptQ.(:65) at s.BEU.(:98) at s.UCl.(:47) at s.Lbf.(:125) at s.UCl.(:50) at s.qEW.(:211) at s.qEW.S(:186) at s.yEH.L(:1017) at s.QXG.D(:487) at s.HDe.run(:267)
Nate Look in the .atlas file using a text editor. Search for .png and make sure the file names are correct. It looks like you have a 0 file name in the atlas that should be 0.png.