• Hi Again :)

Hi ToddRivers

Hope all's going well.

a quick aside, I use the alias Todd as well LOL .. but usually just in games.

This time around I don't have questions about the sprite shader haha. It's more about your game and progress on it. Do you have any Tigsource or indieDB presence? I'd love to see how you've been using your tool in your game. 8)

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Haha, what you mean Todd Rivers aka the best actor from the amazing Garth Marenghi's Dark Place?
One Track Lover - Garth Marenghi's Dark Place - YouTube
I used to check in using his name when I was working at my old games company when I thought it was dodgy code haha.

Thanks for the interest man, I've not got anything up yet but am playing to very soon. Just got a bit of funding to carry on working on, will post something soon hopefully, esp some of the post effects stuff I've been using alongside the shaders 🙂

Hey again,

Ok that Todd Rivers I've never heard of. But thanks to you, now I do haha My "Todd" reference was Todd Gack from Seinfeld.


Lol you're sign in name was Todd Rivers at your old work? I'm surprised the IT guys let you get away with it. :rofl: My professional games career were only with big corporates... so everything was under lock and key 🙁

Awesome can't wait, I'm looking forward to seeing what you've been making 😃 . Congrats on getting funding, I've been burning through my savings to do my own thing. I should consider finding outside funding sometime.. but aren't you afraid that you'll lose creative ownership?

Have a good one