• Thanks for the help! I finally purchased!

I am super excited to start using this for my project.
I have some artwork that I am concerned about posting in the forum.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/957 ... s-wind.zip

These are the first few pages of a childrens' book I am working on along with 1 page asset. The book is 20 pages total.
I am using Starling and Feathers to build the pages. Right now I have Dragon Bones doing 1 animation for the flower but its so so.
I think using Spine will give it more life and dynamic behavior.

The image p2-wind.png is one of the more complicate images I want to animate.
I want to give it life with Spine...

  • a slow idle bounce
  • maybe having the arms/parts seem to waver slightly

Would you be able to provide me some guidance on how to create the bones and/or meshes for this type of pattern?

I realize this is big ask so any advice you can spare will be greatly appreciated!

Here is a youtube preview I did for my design partner. You can get the vibe of a portion of the book and animation so far.

Thanks again Soren
I look forward to working with Spine and your team

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Thank you so much. This really helps me understand.
I practiced for a few hours yesterday on recreating the vine animation. The weights option is what threw me. I appreciate the time you've taken to help me.

I have to work today but my weekend with be Spine filled!

I don't have any experience with character rigging. I've only used Flash and After Effects before for websites and business apps.
Do you have any recommendation on understanding how else to understand the concepts used in Spine?
The videos are great but I feel like you could fill a few books with how Spine works. Impressive software.

Thanks again. I will report back with my results. Very exciting!

  • Patrick