• Unity
  • Spine 2D Ragdoll constraints

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Hi I'm fairly new to Spine and I'm trying to get a 2D ragdoll working in Unity using Skeleton Ragdoll 2D. I can't find very much information about this script and there don't seem to be many options to restrict the motion of specific bones so when my character (a humanoid) ragdolls, the arms and legs bend in unnatrual, extreme ways. I've altered the rotation limit but that hasn't produced proper results. I've even tried custom bounding boxes in Spine but I can't find any way to restrict the rotations.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Oh dear, thanks for reporting and sorry for the troubles! This is actually a bug where we once fixed different behaviour of Joint components in Unity 2019.2+, but these changes seem to have been reverted back again in 2020.3 at least. We will perform some tests with different Unity versions and then submit a bugfix. If you are in a hurry you can simply comment out the line #define HINGE_JOINT_NEW_BEHAVIOUR here.

I've even tried custom bounding boxes in Spine but I can't find any way to restrict the rotations.

Creating bounding box attachments in the Spine Editor does not have any effect on the Unity Joint components spawned by the SkeletonRagdoll example components.

This bug has just been fixed, a new 4.0 unitypackage is available here as usual:
Spine Unity Download
Please let us know if this fixes the issue on your end as well. Thanks again for reporting!

Issue ticket for later reference: