I can't seem to find out how to export a specific image size.
I export my Photoshop layers, including the whitespace so each layer has the same size, let's say 400x200. I use the Photoshop to Spine Script. I only export images (no atlases or anything else) and I set the centre point with the ruler in the middle of the images (200x100).
Everything is placed perfectly when imported into Spine. However I just can't find out how to export the PNG sequence with the exact same image size of 400x200.
I don't need JSON and the whitespace (preferably) doesn't have to be trimmed (so basically the blue dots from the attached image can have all the transparency around them). I only need the images out of Spine to have that specific size because they'll later be imported into After Effects. Once in AE, the sequence will be layered on top of other animations and the position needs to fit exactly.
I don't necessarily insist on keeping the whitespace but then I need a way to know how much transparency (in pixels) has been cut away or added at x & y and from which position (e.g. the centre of the image), because I have to adjust the position of the images in AE afterwards. I can do this adjustment manually, but I'm thinking that there probably is a more efficient solution to simply keep the desired image size.
I've tried various settings in the export window and so far I couldn't find out what I'm not doing right. If there is a way, please let me know.